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另一家报纸指责他口是心非。Another accused him of his duplicity.

但她无法一直口是心非地装下去。But she could not keep up the duplicity.

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女人除了善变,还喜欢口是心非。A woman in addition to the fickle, also like duplicity.

真是口是心非得无以复加。It was no duplicity in order to increase rehabilitation.

但如果我能证明他的表里不一并非只是谣言这么简单?。But if I can prove that his duplicity is more than just a rumor.

要面子的谢思潇自然不会承认自己对王星的心思,一如既往的口是心非。Proud Xie Sixiao natural wont admit to wangs mind, as always duplicity.

怪我生性倔强喜欢口是心非说的每一句话都不合大众口味。Strange I was stubborn like duplicity said every word is the public taste.

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若你失去口是心非的操控权,则将在其上所有的牌放置于坟墓场。If you lose control of Duplicity , put all cards on it into owner's graveyard.

社会意识的结构是两重性和两层性的统一。The structure of social consciousness is unified by the duplicity and dual-structure.

当坦尼娅得知马克与第三者暗中亲热对她不忠时,她对他搞两面派怒不可遏。When Tanya learned that Mark had been two-timing her, she was furious at his duplicity.

在你的维持阶段中,你可以将手上所有的牌与口是心非上所有的牌交换。During your upkeep, you may exchange all the cards in your hand for the cards on Duplicity.

如果说到一个人善变、表里不一,我想大多数人不喜欢与这样的人交往。When it comes to changing a person, duplicity , I think most people do not like contact with such people.

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它也表明在处理与在巴尔干地区的塞族人的困境,美国的政策的虚伪和口是心非。It also shows the hypocrisy and duplicity of the US policy in dealing with the Serb plight in the Balkans.

此外,兰花还是表里不一的伪君子,因为兰花很少是看上去的那个样子。In addition, orchid still is the dissembler of duplicity , because orchid is very few, be that looking look.

本·拉登的战略显然是要暴露他们的口是心非,迫使他们在两套说辞之间做出选择。Bin Laden's strategy was clearly to expose their duplicity by forcing them to choose between the two rhetorics.

但愿一千只骆驼上的跳蚤都寄生在英国人的腋下!For sheer duplicity there is no one to beat – the British! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits!

可以说,苏童的“妇女生活”小说具有先锋性与新写实性相交融的双重性特征。It can be said that Su Tong's novels of "women's lives" have the duplicity characteristic of vanguard and neo-realism.

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李鹏表示,不少铝厂的减产宣言都有些“口是心非”,更多地停留在口头层面。Li said that many of the aluminum production are some of the Universal Declaration " duplicity ", more lip service levels.

智德不和胆小或害怕,口是心非或虚伪相混。Thomas Aquinas, following Aristotle. 67 It is not to be confused with timidity or fear, nor with duplicity or dissimulation.

因此,表里不一是厨柜产业所存在的普遍现象,一定程度上,带有欺骗性。Accordingly, duplicity is the common phenomenon that place of hutch ark industry exists, on certain level, contain beguiling sex.