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结论本院口服降糖药的使用结构基本合理。Conclusion The oral use of antidiabetic drugs is reasonable.

苦楝树树叶的绿色萃提取物有明显的抗糖尿病能力。Aquaous extracts of neem leaves have demonstrated significant antidiabetic potential.

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结论社区老年人群抗糖尿病药物服药依从性低。CONCLUSION The compliance of antidiabetic drugs in elderly diabetic population is low.

因此合理选用抗DM药物,加强对老年DM的治疗显得尤为重要。So it is important to choose antidiabetic drugs and strengthen the treatment for elderly DM.

目的对芒果苷进行结构修饰,寻求新的抗糖尿病化合物。OBJECTIVE In order to look for new antidiabetic compounds, the structure of mangiferin is modified.

控制组的治疗方案包括安慰剂,常规护理和非噻唑啉二酮类药物抗糖尿病治疗。Treatments used in the control groups included placebo, usual care, and non-TZD antidiabetic therapies.

结论口服抗糖尿病药在2型糖尿病的临床治疗中占有重要地位。Conclusion The oral antidiabetic agents play an important role in the clinical treatment of the type 2 diabetes.

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葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂是一类新型抗糖尿病药物已经被广泛应用于临床。Glucosidase inhibitor is a new kind of antidiabetic drug widely used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus in clinic.

约一半给予艾可拓,一种新型的抗糖尿病药物,噻唑烷二酮类。About half were given Actos, a member of a relatively new class of antidiabetic agents known as thiazolidinediones.

抗糖尿病药物的ADR绝大多数预后良好,但亦有相当数量的ADR留有后遗症甚至死亡,其中以格列本脲和苯乙双胍引起的ADR预后较差。The most of prognosis of ADR of antidiabetic agents were good, but also quite a number of them left sequela or death.

目的建立降糖保健食品中非法添加磺酰脲类降糖药的定性检测方法。Aim To develop a method for identification of sulphonylurea illegally added into the antidiabetic food for health care.

但是某些患者可以成功服用,对于其他的患者则可能是最后一个可供选择的降糖药。But certain patients can take it successfully, and for others it may be a last best bet among antidiabetic agents, some argue.

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因此从天然药物中寻找和研究有效、安全的抗糖尿病治疗药物日益成为医药工作者关注的热点。Thus, to find effective and safe antidiabetic drugs from natural materials becomes a hot-point for pharmaceutical researchers.

即使甜菊没有直接降糖作用,利用它作为甜味剂可以减少糖摄入这类病人。Even if stevia did not have direct antidiabetic effects, its use as a sweetener could reduce intake of sugars in such patients.

二甲双胍是唯一降糖剂在这项检讨,但与可衡量的损害,在糖尿病患者及心脏衰竭。Metformin was the only antidiabetic agent in this review not associated with measurable harm in patients with diabetes and heart failure.

那格列奈是一种新型的非磺酰脲类促胰岛素分泌的降糖新药,其起效快且作用时间较短。Nateglinide is a novel non-sulfonylurea antidiabetic agent by stimulating insulin secretion. Its action occurs rapidly and sustains shortly.

医生最初应用口服降糖药治疗新诊断2型糖尿病时,往往被建议应用二甲双胍而非磺脲类。When initiating oral antidiabetic therapy in newly diagnosed T2DM patients, physicians always recommend to use metformin over sulfonylureas.

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更重要地,药师或护士应该在调剂或投予任何降血糖药品之前确认病人是否为糖尿病患者。Most importantly, pharmacists and nurses should confirm that patients are diabetic before dispensing or administering any antidiabetic medication.

为了寻找新的抗糖尿病化合物,我们改进了知母中芒果苷的提取分离工艺,并对芒果苷进行了结构修饰研究。In order to look for new antidiabetic compounds, we have improved the method of isolating mangiferin and studied on structure modification of mangiferin.

而在所有治疗中口服降糖药是主要手段,因此,后者的合理应用显得尤为重要。Oral antidiabetic drugs are the main measurement among all of the treatment, therefore, rational usage of oral antidiabetic drugs appears more important.