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—压力会重新启动坏习惯的循环。Stress can reactivate the bad-habit circuitry.

基米,你可以重新启动您的脑下垂体。With KIMI, you can reactivate your pituitary gland.

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这三个甲状旁腺无法立即激活的可能性是存在的。It was possible they would not reactivate immediately.

因为可以在这些备份拷贝中找到一个,并重新激活它。You can find one of those backup copies and reactivate it.

他们正在尽最大的努力使这台旧截煤机重新运转。They are trying their best to reactivate the old coal cutter.

尽管如此,一旦被免疫系统不恰当的控制,EB病毒可以导致肿瘤的发生。However, when not properly controlled by the immune system, EBV can reactivate causing tumours.

你将需要证明你的账号的所有权,获得一个新的暗码,从头激活您的帐号。You will need to prove your account ownership, get a new password, and reactivate your account.

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要是你想在日后某一天重新激活账号,也非常容易,重新激活就是了。If you decide at a later date that you want to reactivate your account, it’s as simple as reactivating.

如果感染者停止用药或者漏服,病毒便会恢复活性,逃离这些免疫细胞并开始扩散。If a person stops HAART or misses a dose, the virus can reactivate out of those immune cells and begin to spread.

所以,HI—6延迟治疗对提高胆碱酯酶活力是有效的。The results showed that HI-6 delayed treatment is effective to reactivate the acetylcholinesterase inhibited by soman.

完全正确,那些蛋白质也许可以活化。,一定可以的。能活化人脑细胞的蛋白质,就储存在鲨鱼的前脑中。Exactly. A protein that may reactivate. That will. That will reactivate human brain cells stored in the forebrain of the shark.

要是你只想让你的账号关闭一段时间,你可以禁用账号,利用这个方法以后还能重新激活。If you just want to shut down your account for a little while, with the option to reactivate it later, you can deactivate your account.

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Ustekinumab是一种选择性的免疫抑制剂,可能有可能增加感染的危险,并重新恢复潜伏感染。Ustekinumab is a selective immunosuppressant and may have the potential to increase the risk of infections and reactivate latent infections.

同时北朝鲜驱走联合国和美国的核能监察人员,声明要恢复已被部分拆除的核设备——宁边反应堆。It expelled UN and American nuclear inspectors and said it would take steps to reactivate its partially dismantled nuclear facilities at Yongbyon.

他向他们谆谆告诫资本主义就要灭亡的必然命运,之后就向他们提供廉价贷款和风险投资以”恢复”生产。He lectured them about the imminent demise of capitalism, but then proceeded to offer them cheap credit and joint ventures to "reactivate" production.

另外,Chiquita把香蕉送到几个分配中心,在那里,香蕉被储存在被设计用来实施催熟工序的“催熟屋”里。Otherwise, Chiquita sends bananas to several distribution centers, where they are stored in "ripening rooms" designed to reactivate the ripening process.

于此同时,日本专家集中修复电力供应,试图使冷却系统重新运作。At the same time, Japanese engineers were focused on restoring the power supply to the stricken power plant in an attempt to reactivate its cooling system.

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植入到城市建筑间胡同泡泡,像磁铁一样吸引着新的人群、新的活动和新的资源,而这些能够让附近整个地区重获新生。The hutong bubbles, inserted into the urban fabric, function like magnets, attracting new people, activities, and resources to reactivate entire neighborhoods.

对于非稳定渗流中最困难的问题——自由面边界,本文给出了单元“生死法”的模拟过程。The technique of deactivate and reactivate element is applied to simulate the free surface which are the most difficult problem in the unsteady seepage analysis.

事故处理小组们努力将一根电力线导入站点使电站内重要的水泵恢复运行,让它冷却过热的反应堆,阻止核反应堆的爆炸。Disaster teams managed to get a power line onto the site in an effort to reactivate crucial water pumps to cool overheating reactors and prevent a calamitous meltdown.