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受害者是在埃德蒙德上车的。The victim had been on the bus since Edmonton.

我们花了6个小时才到埃德蒙顿,但总算到家了!It took us six hours to drive to Edmonton but we made it!

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从埃德蒙顿到石家庄大约有9600公里。It's only about 9600 kilometres from Edmonton to Shijiazhuang.

飞人队主场迎战大水牛队,洛杉矶队在底特律,明星队将在达拉斯同艾德蒙顿队较量。The Flyers host Buffalo, Los Angeles is at Detroit and the Stars take on Edmonton in Dallas.

它坐落在阿尔伯塔省,位于班夫国家公园的北部、埃德蒙顿市的西部。It is located in the province of Alberta, to the north of Banff National Park and west of the city of Edmonton.

现已开始接受报名,请亲临中华文化中心登记及缴费,名额有限,报名从速。We are accepting applications. Please go to the Edmonton Chinatown Multicultural Center to apply. Seats limited.

加拿大亚伯达省西部城市,位于埃德蒙顿西北,为农业地区的交易中心。人口24,2'3。A city of western Alberta, Canada, northwest of Edmonton. It is a trade center in a farming region. Population, 24,2'3.

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1982年开业的加拿大西埃德蒙顿商场,拥有滑冰场、海狮水池和室内蹦极。Canada’s West Edmonton Mall, which opened in 1982, has an ice-skating rink, a pool with sea-lions and an indoor bungee jump.

2008届毕业生,加拿大丰业银行高级理财顾问,加拿大麦吉尔大学商学学士,现居埃德蒙顿。Graduated in 2008, Senior Financial Advisor, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bachelor of Commerce, McGill University, living in Edmonton.

埃德蒙顿天主教公立校区为以基督为中心的学区学生提供艾伯塔省教育课程。Edmonton Catholic Schools delivers the curriculum of Alberta Education to students within a Christ-centered learning community.

一群来自中国成都,遭受了去年地震灾难的孤儿,来到爱得蒙顿做一次特殊的旅行。A group of kids from Chengdu, China, who were orphaned last year by a devastating earthquake are in Edmonton for a special visit.

这是我和丈夫在05年二月驾车从梅迪辛哈特到埃德蒙顿的途中的真实遭遇。This is a true account of what happened to my husband and myself in February of 2005 while driving from Medicine Hat to Edmonton.

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这些来自成都的孩子们已经和当地的公立中英双语学校的孩子们结为伙伴。The kids from Chengdu have been partnered with kids from Edmonton who are in the public school board's Mandarin bilingual program.

从红鹿市到落基山脉只有3小时的车程,从埃德蒙顿和卡尔加里的国际机场出发则仅需1.5小时的车程。Red Deer is only a 3 hour drive to the Rocky Mountains and serviced by international airports at Edmonton and Calgary—a 1.5 hr drive.

希拉里达芙曾经对记者说,每次当男友在冰上驰骋,她都会在观众席上发疯一样的尖叫到头疼。When Edmonton Oiler Mike Comrie is on the ice, "I'm the crazy lady sitting in the crowd screaming my head off, " Duff once told PEOPLE.

一名20岁男子被认定是过去10天内在爱城发生的连续6起持械抢劫案的案犯,该男子在作案后返回所偷窃的汽车的途中被逮捕。A 20-year-old man believed responsible for six armed robberies over the last 10 days in Edmonton was arrested after coming back for a stolen car.

西埃德蒙顿商场是北美最大的购物中心,在这里,你可以购物、就餐、滑冰、看电影,还可以玩过山车呢。The west edmonton mall is the largest shopping centre in north america. you can shop eat ice skate see a movie and ride on a roller coaster here.

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对于那些学生住在城外,无法使它埃德蒙顿开课前,我还提供一个在线训练。For those students who live out-of-town and are unable to make it to Edmonton before classes start, I am also offering an online orientation session.

项目的配置和设计由一系列研讨会研究确定,其中涉及到建筑设计团队、埃德蒙顿市政府和社区。The building configuration and design was evolved from a series of workshops involving the architectural team, the City of Edmonton and the community.

进一步的研究表明,移植细胞能够持续在许多称为“埃德蒙德方案”患者体内作用长达五年以上。Follow-up studies have shown that the transplanted cells continued to function in many of these so-called Edmonton Protocol patients for up to five years.