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杰克拥有一艘大型远洋轮的部分所有权。Jake had a share in a large, seagoing vessel.

一种古时在地中海内靠桨推进的远洋轮船。An ancient Mediterranean seagoing vessel propelled by oars.

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它是被PLA海军操作的唯一适于远航的扫雷舰。It is the only seagoing minesweeper operated by the PLA Navy.

在亚林湾的出口处,我们发现那儿停泊了一艘出海的大船。In the mouth of Loch Aline we found a great seagoing ship at anchor.

英国第一艘远洋装甲战艇“勇士号”下水。Britain´s first seagoing ironclad warship, HMS Warrior, was launched.

“节”这个词是海航速度的术语,意思是海里每小时。The word knots is a seagoing speed term meaning nautical miles per hour.

现在博德培养的是一群胆小如鼠,卖友求荣的家伙。It's gone. You're building a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoing snitches.

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海商法是随着航海贸易的发展而产生和完善起来的。Maritime law is evolved and perfected step by step with seagoing commerce development.

每个打火机的货物卸离海轮或应被视为一个单独的风险。The goods on each lighter to or from the seagoing vessel shall be deemed a separate risk.

有定期海轮通往加拿大,飞机航线通往法国和加拿大。Access to Canada on a regular basis seagoing vessel, aircraft routes leading to France and Canada.

国际公约规定的远洋商船的船长,高级船员和观看人员的认证标准。STCW sets certification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on seagoing merchant ships.

它体势庞大,巨无匹敌,是当时世界上最大的海船。SO it is caalled"PRECIOUS SHIP ". this majestic ship was the biggest seagoing vessel in the world at that time.

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总吨位在500到3000吨的远洋船舶上的船长和大副必须持有适任证书。Every master and chief mate on a seagoing ship between 500 and 3000 gross tonnage shall hold an appropriate certificate.

被保险货物在卸货港卸离海轮后,保险责任以60天为限。The cover will be limited to 60 days upon discharge of insured goods from seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge.

适用于印度尼西亚加里曼丹南部的爪洼海的浮吊,用于运送用作出口的煤从岸边的驳船到海船。The Floating Crane in the Java Sea south of Kalimantan, Indonesia, handles export coal from river barges to seagoing vessels.

被保险货物在最后卸载港卸离海轮后,保险责任以六十天为限。The cover shall BE limited to sixty days upon discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge.

被保险货物在卸货港卸离海轮后,保险责任以按到岸价交易,我们一般保水渍险。The cover shall be limited to sixty days upon discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge.

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对认真的终身学习者来说,终极的航海大体验,亦即最棒的实地考察旅行应该算是「海上学府」。For serious lifelong learners, the mother of all seagoing experiences─the ultimate field trip, so to speak─is arguably Semester At Sea.

据博物馆所说,在一亿五千五百万年前,当这条游弋于海洋中的巨兽还活着的时候,它强有力的鄂部能够一口将一辆轿车咬成两半。When alive about 155 million years ago, the seagoing creature would have had a strong enough bite to snap a car in half, according to the museum.

就本公约而言,“海员”一词系指以任何身份受雇于适用本公约的海船上的任何人员。For the purpose of this Convention the term "seafarer" means any person who is employed in any capacity on board a seagoing ship to which this Convention applies.