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奎达的警方说,他们在这个城市外围封锁了道路,搜查过往的车辆。Quetta police say they sealed roads out of the city and searched cars.

袭击发生在巴基斯坦东南部城市奎达,有80多人在袭击中受伤。The blast wounded more than 80 others in the southwestern city of Quetta.

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这就是为什么在最近于奎塔达的侵袭中他们杀害14位无辜学生。This is why they killed 14 innocent students in the recent attack in Quetta.

基达是一座前线城市,距阿富汗的坎大哈有三至四小时车程。Quetta is a frontier city about a three-hour drive from Kandahar in Afghanistan.

美国官员认为,该组织的高级领导人可能以巴基斯坦的奎达为基地。US officials believe that senior leaders are based in Pakistan, possibly Quetta.

还有人潜回了阿富汗,有的前往佐布和奎达,有的去了伊朗。Others slipped back into Afghanistan or headed west to Zhob and Quetta and onwards to Iran.

在他于2008年5月被释放后,他马上回到奎塔重新加入塔利班。Upon his eventual release in May 2008, he headed straight for Quetta to rejoin the Taliban.

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警方称周二早上在奎塔市附近四名持枪者骑着摩托车袭击了那辆汽车。Police say four gunmen on motorcycles attacked the bus early Tuesday near the city of Quetta.

这场里氏7.7级的地震几乎将俾路支省的奎达市夷为了平地。A 7.7 Richter scale earthquake virtually leveled the city of Quetta in the province of Balochistan.

和萨那的命运相似,奎塔有足够的水资源来面对这十年,但之后的水源却不能肯定。Like Sana, Quetta may have enough water for the rest of this decade, but then its future is in doubt.

一名自杀式爆炸者袭击了西南城市奎塔的一处什叶派清真寺,至少28人丧生。A suicide bomber attacked a Shiite mosque in the southwestern city of Quetta killing at least 28 people.

奥马尔在从基达前往瓦齐里斯坦北部的途中被击毙。"Mullah Omar was killed on way from Quetta to North Waziristan, "TOLO television said in its news bulletin.

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巴鲁吉斯坦省的首府奎塔多年来一直是一个不太显赫的叛乱组织的活动中心。Quetta is the capital of Baluchistan province, which has been the center of a low-level insurgency for years.

贾基尔最近突击访问了奎塔郊区拥挤的帕什吞巴德区的一座布满灰尘的房子。Zakir paid one of his surprise visits recently at a dirt-floored house in the crowded Quetta suburb of Pashtunabad.

巴基斯坦警方表示,奎塔市什叶派穆斯林游行时发生自杀式爆炸,造成至少50人死亡。Police in Pakistan say a suicide bomb at a Shia Muslim procession in the city of Quetta has killed at least 50 people.

在巴基斯坦奎达郊区,围观者站在布满弹孔的朝圣巴士旁。Pakistani bystanders gather beside a bullet-riddled bus following an attack on a pilgrims bus by a gunman on the outskirts of Quetta.

在奎塔西北14公里肮脏的边境小城库契拉克,数以千计的塔利班标语覆盖了小城的墙壁。Thousands of Taliban slogans cover the walls in and around the dusty frontier town of Kuchlak, some 14 kilometers northwest of Quetta.

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我们一直在连接点,因此当我们发现他们是在奎达郊区,然后我们进行了这次袭击。We have been connecting dots and therefore when we found out that they are there in the suburbs of Quetta then we conducted this raid.

在巴基斯坦一侧的地区,沿着边境从奎达向东北方延伸到兹霍布市都是普什图族部落聚居地。Areas on the Pakistan side stretching north-eastwards along the border from Quetta to the town of Zhob are inhabited by Pashtun tribes.

巴基斯坦和印度的城市,如奎达市和坎普尔市,还有博茨瓦那首都哈博罗内,污染水平也排在前列。Cities in Pakistan and India, such as Quetta and Kanpur, as well as Botswana's capital Gaborone, also ranked high on the pollution scale.