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先前,我提到道德澄清。I mentioned moral vindication earlier.

或许我们是在寻求原谅──或是辩解。Or maybe we're searching for forgiveness -- or vindication.

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是她的“女性权利论辩”不值得一提?Was her "Vindication of the Rights of Woman" unmentionable?

她所能用来为自己争辩的话都已经说尽了。All that she could say in her own vindication had been said.

这一优异的表现为何塞·穆里尼奥正名。There was vindication for Jose Mourinho in such an emphatic showing.

他们希望能够为自己的压制政策找到一些辩护理由。They hope for at least partial vindication of their own repressive policies.

左翼分子闻风而动,攻击该书宣扬社会民主主义。The book was quickly brandished by the left as vindication of social democracy.

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巨大的成功,老人与海,出版于1952年,是一个迫切需要的证明。The huge success of The Old Man and the Sea, published in 1952 , was a much-needed vindication.

性犯罪受害者的辩护是我们办公室的首要任务。The vindication of sex crime victims is among the highest priorities of this office, " he said.

不忍心告诉我那些被这场金融危机深深伤害的朋友们我这种被平反昭雪的感觉。It was hard to tell my friends, all hurt in some manner by the crash, about this feeling of vindication.

辩护和恶意的意向也从来没有像雷鸣般的导演罗伯特比威尔逊的四重奏。Vindication and malicious intents have never been more rapturous than in director Robert Wilson's Quartett.

这项裁决给了生活在这片土地上的众多美国公民一个很好的交代!"It's a vindication for the great majority of Americans all across this land," said NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre.

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但是对于罗维利先生罪行的澄清却是他已经服完刑,于1991年被假释的时候。But that vindication would come only years after Mr. Lowery had served his sentence and was paroled in 1991.

当威瑟斯拒绝他之后,麦里斯更坚定了自己的看法,那就是威瑟斯确实是个威胁。When Withers refused, Merris saw this as a vindication of his belief that Withers was indeed a threat to him.

对于这个问题的研究,最终在很大程度上将落脚于对科学自主性的维护与对其的社会控制问题上来。The research about this question will finally rest on the tension between vindication and social control of AOS.

干细胞研究的批评者倘若把黄禹锡的下台看作是对更广泛的道德控诉的一个证明,那么他们就错了。Critics of stem-cell research would be wrong to see Hwang's downfall as vindication of their broader moral complaints.

如果科学家的设想成为现实,那将是布鲁诺致命的理论的最终证明。If and when that happens, it would be the ultimate vindication of Bruno's fatal vision of a cosmos teeming with worlds.

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帅飘还说林部长来到了梅机关表面上是为自己开脱,其实是为林部长开脱。Handsome floating said minister Lin came to mei authority vindication on the surface, is actually to defend the minister Lin.

对第二次世界大战期间参加过欧战并取胜的男男女女而言,德国投降日是对邪不压正的一项令人雀跃的伟大证明。For the men and women who fought and won the war in Europe, V-E. day meant the exultant, resounding vindication of good against evil.

一群欧洲专家在报告中披露了去年俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚之间战事的起因,当事两国均为自己辩护。Both sides claimed vindication from a report by a group of European experts into the causes of last year's war between Russia and Georgia.