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嫁接蒙导法也在不断改进。Graft mentor method is improving now.

嫁接嵌合体是嫁接杂种的一种类型。Graft chimera is a form of Graft hybrid.

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利用红外光谱对接枝共聚物进行了表征。The graft copolymer was indentified by IR.

有些政府官员对贪污受贿视而不见。Some government officials connive at graft.

贪污造成该政府的政治腐败。Graft has begrimed the government's politics.

台湾前领导人李登辉涉嫌挪用公款被起诉。Ex-Taiwan leader Lee indicted on graft charge.

贪污造成该政府的政治腐败。Graft has be grimed the government's politics.

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组为成年小香猪自体表皮皮片。Group C is to graft autologous epidermis flap.

又制备了接枝物钠盐。The sodium salt of graft copolymer was prepared.

政府发起对电信运营商高管的反腐调查。China launches probe into alleged graft at telcos.

艰苦奋斗是在事业上成功的唯一途径。Hard graft is the only way to succeed in business.

这就是尖拱和圆拱的结合度。It is the graft of the pointed upon the round arch.

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⊙、所谓祝福原来只是在尔虞我诈。The so-called blessing was originally in the graft.

行横突间植骨融合。Intertransverse bone graft was carried out for fusion.

研究了附聚胶乳接枝反应并测试了接枝胶乳性能。It is studied the graft reaction of agglutinated latex.

接受嫁接的植物被称为根茎。The plant that accepts the graft is called the rootstock.

右上角的图片是支架模型。Upper-right corner is the assembled stent graft in vitro.

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移植前,移植物的解冻和再水化。Before transplantation, the graft is thawed and rehydrated.

该模型的移植静脉壁在4周内就开始增厚。In this model, vein graft thickening appeared within 4 weeks.

公共住房部门是另一个特别容易滋生腐败的部门。Public housing is another area particularly exposed to graft.