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要假设合同的读者是一个受过教育的外行。A ume the reader is a knowledgeable layman.

我是世界上最博学多闻的人!I'm the most knowledgeable person in the world.

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他对中国古典作品造诣很深。He's very knowledgeable about the Chinese classics.

玄奘是一个博学多识、意志坚强的人。Xuanzang was a knowledgeable and strong-willed man.

大部分女主角既不漂亮也没见识。Most heroines are neither beautiful nor knowledgeable.

一个见多识广的导游会开着你乘坐的豪华四轮传动车,你一步步靠近一片金色的沙丘With a knowledgeable guide behind the wheel of your luxury

作为一名新闻记者,必须博学多闻。As a journalist, one must be experienced and knowledgeable.

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要做到这一点,他至少要像古董商一样懂行。To do this, he must be at least as knowledgeable as the dealer.

我想成为一个想我的老师那样博学多才的好人。I would like to be a kindand knowledgeable peron like my teacher.

你认为梁咏琪对无添加产品很有见识?What extent do you think she is knowledgeable in beauty products?

她看起来像万事通,和善且真诚,最重要的是博闻广识。she's non-threatening, sincere and most importantly knowledgeable.

有民主,就可以考验议员有没有真才实学。With democracy, we can check whether legislators are knowledgeable.

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在您的指导下学到了很多,我由衷感谢您。You are really a knowledgeable mentor and have great teaching skills.

在楔形篱笆的边缘上,我向那位博识的人致谢。At the edge of the wedged hedge, I acknowledged the knowledgeable man.

要使军队领导干部自己有知识而且尊重知识。Leading army cadres should become knowledgeable and respect knowledge.

他们与商务专家、律师和其它博识的人交流。They talk to business experts, lawyers and other knowledgeable people.

伦敦出租车司机在服务态度和路线熟悉程度两项的评选中名列榜首。London taxi drivers were voted both friendliest and most knowledgeable.

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尽管找到一个经验丰富并且博学的向导并非易事。Though it’s not that easy to get an experienced and knowledgeable guide.

我的父亲,一个中年男子,是一个很受欢迎的知识渊博的教授。My father, a middle-aged man, is a well-received knowledgeable professor.

你发现国企售货员很热心,很有知识,也很友好。You find state-employed retail staff helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.