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事实上,我们有一个天然的反感,以这样做。Indeed, we have a natural repugnance to so doing.

它把一个自然的抵触转化为了一个道德的愤慨。It transforms a natural repugnance into a moral shock.

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她对这不受欢迎的建议感到反感。To feel or express strong unwillingness or repugnance.

那么,我们如何知道何时需要防止引起反感而何时则不必担心?So how will we know when to heed repugnance and when not?

然而,今天人对一神论的厌恶不再只是嘲笑那样简单了。But today, that repugnance to monotheism is not a laughing matter.

总之,一种压倒一切的厌恶在支配他。In short, he was carried away by the repugnance which dominated him.

这时我看到他脸上露出害怕和反感的表情,我突然间松开了他。Then I saw the horror and repugnance of his face, and all of a sudden I let him go.

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通常,一旦人们开始熟悉新技术,这种抵触就会消失。Usually, that repugnance dissipates once people become familiar with new technologies.

在这之前我对这种宣传并不感冒,甚至有一些小小的反感。Before then I do not catch cold to this kind of propaganda, even has some small repugnance.

萨纳德告诉法庭他否认“被指控是一名令人厌恶的战时投机商。Mr Sanader told the court that he denied “the charge of being a war profiteer with repugnance.

鲁弗斯对同性情感的厌恶源于全社会对同性恋者的不容与抨击。Rufus's repugnance against homosexual affections derives from a hostile social environment for homosexuals.

要向那位陌生的外籍女子讲这种事,有一种无法克服的反感使他没有说出到了嘴边的话。Some invincible repugnance to speak of such things to the strange foreign woman had checked the words on his lips.

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每当我们采用新的生物医学方法来操控我们的身体,就经常会有一种原始、本能的抵触。When we introduce new biomedical ways of manipulating our bodies, there is often an initial, gut-level repugnance.

禁忌现象表现了人们美好的愿望、理想和追求,以及人们对死亡、罪恶和淫秽之类的反感。Taboo shows people's beautiful aspiration, ideal and pursuit as well as people's repugnance of death, evil and dirtiness.

前段时间,表示他或许会缺席常规赛前几场比赛,这引起了很多球迷的反感。A while ago, indicated he may absent the regular season first several competitions, this has caused many fan's repugnance.

他们会对电影里的隐性广告产生抵触情绪,甚至对广告品牌产生反感。They may have the resistance to movie's recessive advertisement, and may even have the repugnance to the advertisement brand.

他们就这样站在那个距离处,被那神秘的符号所激起的反感离心力钉住了。At that distance they accordingly stood, fixed there by the centrifugal force of the repugnance which the mystic symbol inspired.

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在另一方面,这种行为在自己的文化,将被视为粗鲁,干涉和进攻性,并可能引起强烈的反感,甚至厌恶。On the other hand, such actions in their own culture would be considered rude, intrusive and offensive and could arouse a strong dislike and even repugnance.

如果我们稍稍流露出一点对于这顿早餐的自然的厌恶表情,那么即便他有为我们的健康负责的责任感,也不会使他一再地勉强我们吞咽下去的。If we gave the least expression to our natural repugnance for this meal, no sense of responsibility for our health could prompt him to press it on us a second time.

他醒悟过来,想起他还没有告诉她。要向那位陌生的外籍女子讲这种事,有一种无法克服的反感使他没有说出到了嘴边的话。He roused himself, and remembered that he had notdone so. Some invincible repugnance to speak of suchthings to the strange foreign woman had checked thewords on his lips.