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他们看了我们的公告肯定傻了眼。That announcement sure blindsided them.

两个公人正在张贴文榜。Two runners are posting an announcement.

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这一公告将很快公之于众。The announcement would be made public soon.

登报发布结婚的消息。Put a wedding announcement in the newspaper.

他宣布的消息引起了一片惊叹声。His announcement produced gasps of amazement.

收音机一直广播着这个通知。The radio-ried the announcement all the time.

然而,该项声明是值得反思的。Still, the announcement is worth reflecting on.

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今天,我们发布了一条非同凡响的通告。Today, we make another significant announcement.

正因如此,才令这项声明变得古怪。But this is where this announcement gets strange.

亦有一个三语言自动化播音。There is also a trilingual automated announcement.

但这个月月初,一个重大的协议发表了。But earlier this month there was a big announcement.

但是现在只缺一道绿化通知。But expect a horticultural announcement any time now.

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该通告将于明日见报。The announcement will appear in tomorrow'snewspapers.

声明列表是单行的而且流量很低。The announcement list is one-way and very low traffic.

雅虎谢绝对该计划公告的评论。Yahoo declined to comment on the planned announcement.

穆萨维将军在伊拉克电视上宣布上述消息。General Moussawi made the announcement on al-Iraqia TV.

布告中的名词"盎司"怎样发音?How to pronounce the noun "ounce" in the announcement?

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还有其他人质疑这则声明是否属实。Others questioned whether the announcement was genuine.

他们在通告后立即开始发射。They began shooting immediately after the announcement.

我们正走向车子时,他宣布了自己的决定。We were walking to the car when he made an announcement.