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因此之故,也才有基因组等同于生命蓝图的说法。Hence the notion of the genome as a blueprint.

这张蓝图有点不准。There is a slight inaccuracy in this blueprint.

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类是一个WMI托管资源的一个蓝图。A class is a blueprint for a WMI manageable resource.

马杜罗跟随的是卡斯特罗的统治蓝图。This Maduro is following Castro's governing blueprint.

「内圣外王」的人生蓝图。The life blueprint of "internal sage and external rule."

建筑内部,我只有一个分辨率很低的设计蓝图。For the interior I only had this low-res blueprint image.

我们更会勾画美好蓝图,开创每一个上外人自己的锦绣前程。We will draw a blueprint to create our own bright future.

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所以我们将本课学习称为神赐给婚姻的蓝图。And so we'll call this study God's blueprint for marriage.

在翠珊的住处,迈可把设计图拼凑了起来。At Trishanne's place, Michael puts together the blueprint.

这份蓝图指导着Infoway的所有投资决策。The Blueprint guides all of Infoway's investment decisions.

这些是这个解决方案蓝图的必有组件。These are must-have components for this solution blueprint.

物业代理在给客户展示商铺平面图参考。Agent is display the shop's floor blueprint apt the clients.

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美声唱法成了中国声乐教学的蓝本。It is the blueprint of the teaching of vocal music in China.

写作提纲之于作家,就如同蓝图之于建筑师一样。What the blueprint is to the builder the outline is to the writer.

设计过程要额外付费就好比焊接钢材不需要蓝图。Designing with mark-up is like welding I-beams without a blueprint.

就在书中,是一份印给所有人的、全世界最好的避难营的蓝图。Right there for all to see was a blueprint of the world's best tipi.

奥巴马总统的预算蓝图对削减战争开支和刺激需求并不讳言。The president's blueprint is open about war costs and stimulus needs.

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我们应该严格遵循毕罗的发展蓝图吗?Should we all be following Beral's developing blueprint to the letter?

教案对于教师犹如蓝图对于建筑师一样不可或缺?。The teaching plan is to a teacher what the blueprint is to an architect.

辛蒂普拉特是写你生命的蓝图的育儿专家。Cindy Platt is a parenting specialist who writes at Your Life’s Blueprint