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北方人的主食是面条。Northern peoples staple fo.

都飞到北海遥远的上空。Far beyond the northern sea.

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我来自北加州。I'm from Northern California,

那里有点像是布鲁克林的北边,It's kind of northern Brooklyn,

北岩要倒闭的谣言Northern Rock is going to fail.

北坡常长青苔。Moss affects the northern slopes.

人人都爱北欧血统。Everyone loves Northern Europeans.

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在北部空中云集成小星虚度。I im the star in the northern sky.

她住在北国冰城。She lives in an icy northern city.

北岩银行到底发生了什么The Northern --what was happening?

好一派北国风光!What magnificent northern scenery!

Thabor墓地,北依利诺州。Thabor Cemetery, northern Illinois.

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到后面去,或者说,靠北的那一边。Head to the back, or northern , side.

“威格士”海军炮,北方舰队,1943年。“Vickers, ” The Northern Fleet, 1943.

北部树木幽静,鸟语花香。Quiet northern part of trees, flowers.

北方民间有这么一个传说。There is a folktale in northern China.

在另一边是北疆。On the other side is northern Xinjiang.

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当在这遥远的北海岸边将它听见。Hearing it by this distant northern sea.

在欧洲北部是通过滑雪来打猎。Northern European skied to hund for food.

北海北端的亭台楼阁。Pavilions at the northern end of Pei Hai.