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这将使我们的可借贷资金的供应增加。That is, we have increased the supply of loanable funds.

用可贷资金来表示,情况会是怎样呢?What does this situation look like in terms of loanable funds?

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这是利率的“可贷资金”模式,每本教科书都包括这个内容。This is the " loanable funds" model of the interest rate, which is in every textbook, mine included.

大部分学过经济学基础教材的学生开始考虑从供给和需求的方面考虑信贷资金。Most ec 10 students begin thinking about the interest rate in terms of the supply and demand for loanable funds.

换句话说,可贷资金的利率不可能低于零,因为持有现金的回报率都可以为零。In other words, the interest rate on loanable funds cannot fall below zero because holding cash guarantees a rate of return of zero.

说明可贷资金市场与外汇市场的供给与需求,这两个市场如何联系?Describe supply and demand in the market for loanable funds and the market for foreign-currency exchange. How are these markets linked?

例如,在新古典利率理论中,利率被认为是由可贷资金的供给和需求决定的。In neoclassical interest-rate theory for instance, the interest rate is believed to be determined by the supply of and demand for loanable funds.

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债券价格的决定理论主要有古典利率理论、流动偏好理论、可贷资金理论和理性预期理论。Theories on bond pricing include classical interest rate theory, liquidity preference theory, loanable fund theory and reasonable expectation theory.

只要对可贷资金的需求出现急剧下降,流动性陷阱就会发生——这正是大萧条期间所发生的事情。A liquidity trap can occur whenever there is a sharp reduction in demand for loanable funds—which is exactly what happened during the Great Depression.

高市场利率自然暗示着可贷资金正变得相对稀少,而且我们知道它们都被政府征用到低生产效率的领域。Higher market interest rates indicate, of course, that loanable funds are becoming relatively more scarce and we know that they are being shunted to less productive uses perpetrated by the state.