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所有这些因素共同导致了格特鲁德的悲剧的形成。All of these elements cause the tragic end of Gertrude.

而对于格特鲁德,斯泰因,重复无疑是支配方法。In Gertrude Stein, the dominant is repetition undoubtedly.

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葛楚德,你认为我们应该避开不来梅和汉堡两个城市,是吗?So, Gertrude , you think we should avoid Bremen and Hamburg altogether.

葛楚德倒下了,在她垂死之际,她告诉大家她中毒了。Gertrude falls and in her dying breath announces that she has been poisoned.

在哈姆雷特的父亲去世之后,克劳迪斯丹麦的国王并且取了葛楚德。After Hamlet' s father died, Claudius ame King of Denmark and married Gertrude.

在哈姆雷特的父亲去世之后,克劳迪斯成为丹麦的国王并且娶了葛楚德。After Hamlet´ s father died, Claudius became King of Denmark and married Gertrude.

在哈姆雷特的父亲去世之后,克劳迪斯成为丹麦的国王并且娶了葛楚德。After Hamlet´ s father died, Claudius became King of Denmark and married Gertrude.

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普罗尼尔斯去见克劳迪斯和葛楚德,让他们知道造成哈姆雷特发疯的原因。Polonius went to Claudius and Gertrude to let them know what caused Hamlet's madness.

作家葛楚德·史坦后来把这些年青人称作“失落的一代”。The writer Gertrude Stein later called these people members of "The Lost Generation."

20世纪,女权主义评论家对乔特鲁德和奥菲莉娅进行了新的研究。In the 20th century feminist critics opened up new approaches to Gertrude and Ophelia.

订了婚的一对,爱德华埃文斯和格特鲁德肯尼迪,不久前公布了他们的。The engaged couple, Edward Evans and Gertrude Kennedy, put up the banns the other day.

格特鲁德?史坦因跑到巴黎,来和她的朋友过一种与众不同,离经叛道的生活。Gertrude Stein ran off to Paris to live an eccentric, bohemian life with her writer friends.

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吉尔开始考虑是否要和阿德里亚娜永远生活在一起,又是否要让格特鲁德斯坦给他当编辑。Gil starts to wonder if he would live forever with Adriana and let Gertrude Stein be his editor.

他把支票全兑换成五元一个的金币,给格特露打电话,说要见她。He cashed the check into five-dollar gold pieces and telephoned Gertrude that he wanted to see her.

不久,他又结识了海明威、格特鲁德•斯坦、巴勃罗•毕加索和萨尔瓦多•达利。It's not long before he's hanging with Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dali.

卡扎菲在里斯本2007年欧盟—非洲首脑会议上与格特鲁德·梦盖拉的精彩瞬间。Gaddafi shares a moment with Gertrude Mongella, a Tanzanian, during the 2007 E.U.-Africa Summit in Lisbon.

11日,世界上最长寿老人、美国妇女特鲁德·贝恩斯在一家养老院逝世,享年115岁。American Gertrude Baines, the world's oldest known person, died at the age of 115 Friday at a nursing home.

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现在此项记录的占有者是一位曾经生活在洛杉矶一家疗养院的美国老人格特鲁德,享年114岁。That title now falls to an American, 114-year-old Gertrude Baines, who lives in a Los Angeles nursing home.

然后他为茉莉安买了结婚礼物,为露丝和格特霞也买了适合圣诞节的较简单的礼物。Next he bought Marian's wedding present, and simpler presents, suitable to Christmas, for Ruth and Gertrude.

哈姆雷特的母亲葛处得也因为误服了克劳休斯准备给哈姆雷特的毒酒而死。His mother Gertrude has just died from accidentally drinking the same poison, prepared by the King for Hamlet.