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你准备好了吗?You are ready?

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我已全预备好了。I'm quite ready.

峊我已经准备好走了。I'm ready to go.

我的车备好了吗?Is my car ready?

你准备好走了吗?You ready to go?

您的车好了。Your car's ready.

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我们全部准备好.We were all ready.

我们准备好走了。We're ready to go.

我可以点餐了。I'm ready to order.

准备好了吗?开始。Ready? There we go.

红队,准备好了吗?Red, are you ready?

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款已备妥。The money is ready.

洗澡水给你准备好了。Your bath is ready.

我全准备好了,要走就走。All ready to go out.

但我还是没有准备好。And I was not ready.

准备好了去溶化。Ready for melt-down.

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他是一位才思敏捷的作家。He is a ready writer.

我准备好要做拉皮手术了。I'm ready for a lift.

他准备好去打仗了吗?Was he ready for war?