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沉默良久。A long pause.

然后我又停住口。Then I pause again.

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我们只是暂停下We just pause there.

休整一下,再赶上去。Take a pause and catch up.

一时间出现了令人尴尬的冷场。There is an awkward pause.

有一个略长的停顿。There was a longish pause.

就暂停在这里Let's pause it right there.

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我停下,维斯眉开眼笑地望着我。I pause. Wes beams up at me.

让我们歇歇喝杯茶吧。Let's pause for a cup of tea.

好了,我们暂停在这里Okay, now let's pause it there.

好的,暂停在这里Okay. let's just pause it there.

好了,暂停在那里Okay, let's stop, pause it there.

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暂停你的阅读并尝试一下。Pause your reading and go do this.

在屋顶,驯鹿停下了他的脚步。Up on the housetop reindeer pause.

然后你在这个点上插入停顿And you insert a pause at that point.

从白天的杂务中抬起头来,停上一会儿From the day’s chores, pause a minute

但停顿只是一种心理错觉而已But the pause is a psychological illusion.

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但这种录象带暂停播放很少。It was seldom necessary to pause the tape.

众会员吵个不停。The leaguers were quarreling without pause.

执行的暂停功能正常拨号,重拨,或记忆拨号。The pause function can be stored in memory.