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首先他们向身体喷出一鼻子的冷水。First they squirt a trunkful of cool water over their bodies.

看一看海鞘的基因组,你会感到讨厌和惊奇。LOOK at the genome of a sea squirt and you'll get a nasty surprise.

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轻轻地将药物推射到小孩的嘴巴里面的后部。Gently squirt the medicine in the back corners of your child's mouth.

也就是说,雄鱼向已产出体外的卵子射精。In other words, males squirt sperm over eggs that have already been laid.

鱿鱼及墨鱼吸吮水变成他们的尸体,然后喷射出来。Squids and cuttlefish suck water into their bodies and then squirt it out.

加热后会变成蒸汽,两片叶子是空心的,蒸汽才能从里面出来。It turns into steam and these are hollow tubes and the steam will squirt out.

布什在与奥巴马握过手之后,身边一个助手迅速在布什手上喷了点无水洗手液。The aide then apparentlyproceeded to squirt some hand sanitizer into Bush's hands.

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她强迫她的儿子张开嘴,灌下了一注射器洗手液,直抵咽喉。She made him open his mouth and he got a squirt of liquid soap, right down his throat.

我爱对中风的人,要看着我玩我的大鸡鸡和喷我暨,酷吗?I love to stroke man, i want u to watch me play with my huge dick and squirt my cum , cool ?

很多海洋生物根本就没有性生活,但它们只是将卵子或精子喷射到大海之中。A lot of marine species have no sex life at all, but just squirt their eggs or semen into sea.

眼睛喷血的晰蝎和以佛罗里达州高尔夫球场为家的鳄鱼。Lizards squirt blood from their eyes and alligators set up home on the golf courses of Florida.

沿著交互作用的平面射出的高能强子会比垂直射出的要多。More energetic hadrons squirt out within the plane of the interaction than at right angles to it.

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试验消防水枪及水炮的射高、射程及水量。Test the altitude of gun, firing range and water amount of fire fighting squirt and water cannon.

我不知道她到底是迷惑还是开心,但她拾起水枪,向我冲水。I didn't know whether she was confused or delighted, but she picked up the squirt gun and sprayed me.

Dewar最终决定改变这一切,放弃使用水果而填充进一些便宜的奶油。Dewar finally decided screw it, leave out the fruit completely and squirt some cheap cream filling in there.

本文介绍了一种基于PLC机控制的自动喷涂机系统,详细阐述了硬件和软件的设计。This article introduces a squirt machine control system based PLC and gives design of hardware and software.

大脑神经结会被分解再利用,而剩下的部份—成体神经节—就用来控制进食和繁殖。What remains — the adult ganglion — controls feeding and reproduction. But does a sea squirt eat its own brain?

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我打开水枪,她站在那里,僵硬的,双手放在身体两边,闭着眼睛,好像在等待被做成一个木乃伊。I turned on the squirt gun, and she stood there, stiff, arms at her sides, eyes closed, as though awaiting mummification.

我们一只手举着洒水枪,另外一只手在地板上浇上标准的,熏眼的清洁液。We held squirt guns in one hand and used the other to douse the floors with the standard-issue, eye-burning cleaning solution.

通过成为它的粉丝可以增加它的供水量,或者在留言板上留言也可以给它注一次水。They are invited to boost its water rations by becoming a fan, or can give Meet Eater a squirt of water by writing on its wall.