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我们想要一个归宿。We want to belong.

它们属于谁呢?Where do they belong?

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我们属于伦敦市。We belong to the City.

他们肯定属于某人。They belong to someone.

我们不属于那一派。We do not belong to it.

自己属于大器晚成型。You belong to built type.

“我属于这里,”他说道。“I belong here, ” he said.

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但我们只属于我们自己。But we belong to ourselves.

你属于天堂门。You belong to heavens gate.

你已站在天堂之门。You belong to heaven's gate.

您是住在这街上的吗?Do you belong in this street?

这些杯子应放在橱架上。The cups belong on the shelf.

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学者的天地在书斋。A scholar belong in his study.

他们想使自己归属于欧洲。They want to belong to Europe.

无锡所属地区是哪里?What area does Wuxi belong to?

这些信封是我们的吗?Do these envelops belong to us?

沙也香我说,告诉我你的所属!I said tell me where you belong.

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他们是乡间俱乐部的成员。They belong to the country club.

鲸属于哺乳动物。Whales belong among the mammals.

悉尼的所属地区?What area does Sydney belong to?