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喜欢长途跋涉去世界上荒凉的地方。Long journeys to inhospitable parts of the world.

但是这个不适宜人居住的地形却是城市未来发展的关键。But this inhospitable terrain is also key to the boomtown future.

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那可能是我见过的最荒凉的,最不宜居住的岛屿了。That probably is the most bare and inhospitable island I've ever seen.

景色苍凉,满街尘土,列车就像是吸引人的避难所。It was a dusty, inhospitable landscape. The train represented a welcome refuge.

每年,多为夏季,在无人区徒步旅行。Makes yearly, mostly in the spring, trips on foot through inhospitable regions.

在恐怖袭击之后的一段时间里,这里的街道显得越发地不宜居了。And for a while after the attacks, its streets grew seemingly more inhospitable.

严重的疾病都不会打扰我太久,因为我是个很不好客的主人。Serious illness doesn't bother me for long because I am too inhospitable a host.

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如果没有这个机制,我们的“蓝色星球”,可能就会象火星一样干旱和不适合居住。Without this mechanism our "Blue Planet" might well be as dry and inhospitable as Mars.

但后来,这片土地干涸殆尽,昔日青翠的大草原变为茫茫荒漠。But then the Sahara dried out, turning from a green savannah into an inhospitable desert.

他对此非常高兴,就象一个穿过了荒凉沙漠的人到达了一个绿洲一样。He reveled in it like a man who has reached an oasis after traversing an inhospitable desert.

如今干燥、寒冷的火星不宜居住,但并不尽然。Today, the dry, cold Martian climate makes it inhospitable to life, but maybe not completely so.

它围绕一颗不适宜居住的冰冻星球奥托普卢托尼亚旋转,奥托普卢托尼亚是潘托拉人的保护地。It orbits an inhospitable ice world named Orto Plutonia, which was a protectorate of the Pantorans.

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生命之路是一片“荒原”,但“我”的灵魂却不荒凉,在困苦中仍然作着艰难不屈地跋涉。The way of life is"Wasteland", but"my"soul is not inhospitable. It always trudges gamely in hardship.

但英国人素来就太淡漠了,这些信写是写了,可连张废纸都不如。But the English are so inhospitable that these letters are hardly worth the paper they are written on.

尽管这些挑战,一些植物和动物都能够适应死谷的不友好的气候。Despite these challenges, some plants and animals are able to adapt to Death Valley's inhospitable climate.

在北极圈,在冰层上下,野生动植物在一个看起来无法居住的环境中繁荣昌盛。In the Arctic, above the ice and below, wildlife prospers in what might seem to be an inhospitable environment.

那些被地震和海啸摧毁的地方,应该是不适合电动汽车的。The areas pummeled by the earthquake and tsunami in March would surely be inhospitable for an electric vehicle.

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他们也拥有一群铁杆球迷,足以让任何踏上特富摩尔球场的客场球队如堕冰窟。They also have a home crowd who are vociferous enough to make Turf Moor an inhospitable place for any visiting side.

组织者收集了一系列大胆甚至古怪的设计,渲染来自越来越不宜居住世界的威胁。Organizers collected a range of bold, sometimes zany, approaches to the threat of an increasingly inhospitable world.

组织者收集了一系列大胆甚至古怪的设计,渲染来自越来越不宜居住世界的威胁。Organizers collected a range of bold, sometimes zany , approaches to the threat of an increasingly inhospitable world.