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于是真爱也会分离。And thus true love may sever.

你可以投票选你喜欢的任一方。You may vote who sever side you like.

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现在一定是七点钟模样了。It must be something like sever o'clock now.

我们不能割断民族的文化血脉。We must never sever the cultural vein of our nation.

当你想到手术刀就要割开你所爱的人的肌肤的时候,你怎么还能睡得着呢?How can you rest when a blade will soon sever flesh so dear?

假定效劳员是监犯,那么其他陈说中会有谎言吗?Suppose the sever is guilty. Are any of the statement false?

它可以建立,也可以切断双方的联系。It can provide a link between messages or sever relationships.

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论文包括引言共分为七章。The thesis, including the introduction, consists of sever parts.

我才能与外国朋友交流,帮助他们。So I can communicate with the foregin friends and sever for them.

罪与死是不会分离的坚固锁炼。Sin and death are an adamantine chain and link that none can sever.

严冬掠去的一切,新春会给你还来。Everything that the sever winter takes, early spring will give you return.

肾挫伤分为轻度、重度、危重性三类,。Renal contusion was in additon graded into mild, sever and critical types.

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在创建服务器端应用程序之后,Wischusen编写了一个Flex应用After creating the sever side application, Wischusen wrote a Flex application

大多数药膏当我涂到脸上的时候,会引起引起轻度皮肤瘙痒和刺激。Most lotions cause mild to sever itching and irritation when rubbed into my skin.

在一个微微网中,每个单元都能同时与其它各单元进行通信。Each unit can simultaneously communicate with up to sever other units per piconet.

如果母犬没有扯掉胎衣或者是咬断脐带,主人就要接手母犬的工作。You must take over if the bitch neglects to remove a sac or sever an umbilical cord.

没有人仅凭闭目、不看社会现实就能割断自己与社会的联系。No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes.

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方法回顾分析本院发生的31例中、重度OHSS临床资料。Methods Clinical data of 31 moderate to sever OHSS patients were analyzed retrospectively.

结果聚合物胶束可以增溶药物、作为药物和基因治疗的载体。Results Polymeric micelles could solubilize drugs, sever as drug carriers in gene therapy.

男子气概危机被认为在美籍非裔团体中尤其严重。The crisis of masculinity was portrayed as particularly sever within African American communities.