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这些是“巨神像”。These are the Colossus.

他是一个泥足巨人。He is a colossus with feet of clay.

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我像巨人一般大步大步地踏地前行。I stride the earth like a colossus.

哦,这个雄踞全世界的巨人!The colossus that bestrode the world!

中国早已成为经济巨人。China is already an economic colossus.

巨像将是你想要找的单位。The Colossus would be the unit you are looking for.

远观中国,中国可能就像一个不可阻挡的巨人。From far away, China may look like an unstoppable colossus.

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巨像是个让我先前不太买帐的单位。The Colossus was a unit that I wasn't sold on before playing it.

“巨神像”使用了我们最新的“IK系统”能够自如地上下峭壁。The Colossus is using our new IK system to setp up and down this cliff.

这个拳击手重三百镑,走起路来像个十足的巨人。The boxer weighs three hundred pounds and walks like a veritable colossus.

十年时间,中国从一个巨大贫穷的国家成长为举世瞩目的经济巨人。In a decade, China has gone from a huge, poor nation to an economic colossus.

惠特曼女士把一个起步仅30名员工的小企业经营成一个15000名员工的行业旗舰。Ms Whitman turned a start-up with 30 employees into a 15,000-person colossus.

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目前五角大楼巨人的开支占世界总军费一半。The Pentagon colossus now accounts for half of total world military spending.

或者我们不想保留虫族的一些单位,我们就开始尝试一些疯狂的想法,比如Infestor。If we don't have to keep this Protoss unit, we could put the Colossus in instead.

掌炉者伊格尼斯附近的熔化巨人现在不会施放无尽烈焰技能。The Molten Colossus near Ignis the Furnace Master will no longer cast Unquenchable Flames.

若干狂热者与两个巨像的进攻,迫使地图中央的剩余人类部队选择了撤退。Zealots and a pair of colossus force the remaining terran infantry in the middle to retreat.

嘿,看看我们,哪个国家有曼德拉那样的贤人?"Hey, just look at us, which other country has a moral colossus to match Nelson Mandela?"asked

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现在他的巨像已高高竖起,所有喜欢善本书籍的人都竞相购买它的作品。Now the colossus is reared, his works are eagerly bought up by all the purchasers of scarce books.

毋庸赘述,轴心国的入侵将美国转化为一个军工业巨头。Needless to say, Axis aggression transformed the United States into a military-industrial colossus.

今天,爱因斯坦被推崇为一个知识巨人,在20世纪没有人像他这样光彩夺目。Today, Einstein is venerated as an intellectual colossus who bestrode the 20th century like no other.