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但是我们还要更进一步。But we’ll go further.

需要点动力?Need further impetus?

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我们的经济仍在遭受创痛……需要采取进一步措施。Further action is needed.

但是我们必须更进一步。But we have to go further.

他的问题不限于此。His question goes further.

让我们再更进一步来看。Let's go a little further.

不过,让我进一步解释。But let me explain further.

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他进一步往前追溯。He looks back even further.

扩展一下。Let's enlarge this further.

XLF还会进一步下跌吗?Can the XLF go down further?

再远一些就是伦敦西部。Further away is West London.

百尺竿头更进一步。Make still further progress.

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但这些企业又更进一步。But the companies go further.

那又有个更进一步的问题。Here is the further question.

Heymann博士的其它意见Further comments by Dr Heymann

第一,进一步坚定信心。Further strengthen confidence.

我希望再深入探讨。And I would like to go further.

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如需进一步信息请港航我。For further info please PMB me.

对此我想再谈论多一些。I just want to beat it further.

我忍住没有再说下去。I refrained from further words.