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看你是否向我求婚了。On whether you ask me to.

不论偶们是谢顶地老人。Whether we be old and bald.

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所有人开始转来看我,我不知道是否该开溜。I didn't know whether to run.

麦芽,不论是否焙制。Malt, whether or not roasted.

二代是否已经在筹备中?Whether you are preparing BD2?

他问她是否会唱歌。He-ried whether she could sing.

亚麻子,不论是否破碎。Linseed, whether or not broken.

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牌面是否有阴影。Whether the tiles have shadows.

听听看是否喜欢?Listen to see whether they like?

他是否能来还不确定。Whether he can come is not sure.

它是公共的还是私有的。Whether it is public or private.

不论你认识到没有。Whether you realize that or not.

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我不知道他敢不敢试。I don't know whether he dare try.

到义是真是假,还是个问题。Whether it is remains a question.

我们是否外出得看天气而定。Whether we'll go out the weather.

气化炉内炉篦子是否堵塞。Check whether the bars is blocked.

无论新友与故交。Whether we are old friends or new.

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他想知道她是否已经溺死了。He wonders whether she has drowned.

大家听听看是否喜欢?We listen to see whether they like?

面筋,不论是否干制。Wheat gluten, whether or not dried.