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我害怕失去这座有魅力的城市。I fear losing this wondrously magical city.

但是其中有些系外行星与地球非常相似。But some exoplanets are wondrously Earth-like.

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牧场上,凡是属于主的羊都强壮。All the sheep of His pasture fare so wondrously fine.

她变得出奇地喜欢独自躲在角落里。She grow wondrously fond of stealing off to corners by herself.

它出奇的洁净,燃烧时排放出基本上是新鲜的蒸汽。It is wondrously clean, emitting mainly pristine steam when burned.

她的眼睛清澈光亮得出奇,她的皮肤很娇嫩,她的牙齿洁白而匀整。Her eyes were wondrously clear and bright, her skin fair, and her teeth white and even.

这屋子和屋里的人,以及他们凝视着的景致,都显得非常安谧。Both the room and its occupants, and the scene they gazed on, looked wondrously peaceful.

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阳光淹没了沉睡的小镇街道,一场风暴让所有东西湿透,且惊奇般地焕然一新。The sunshine floods the sleepy village street, a storm has left everything drenched, and wondrously refreshed.

除了卡尔维诺还有谁能挑选出200个意大利民间故事,并如此出色的复述它们?Who but Italo Calvino could have selected two hundred of Italy's traditional folktales and retold them so wondrously?

因此,结构光三维视觉检测方法及设备应用背景极其重要。Therefore, 3D vision detection instruments based on structured light have wondrously and important background in application.

NET类,以便你实现类似产生即时图片或者保存一列数组到文件等各项功能。NET classes in your code that enable you to perform such wondrously diverse tasks as generating images on-the-fly and saving an array to a file.

个人权益和大多数人的权利如何平衡,这是美国国内一直激烈争论的问题。现在,它。It has concentrated minds wondrously on an already lively domestic debate over what constitutes a due balance between individual and majority rights.

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浮选矿捕集剂黄原酸酯极少量地排入水中也能使水的味道极其难闻。Xanthic ester is a kind of catcher in the floatation of minerals. Though only a very little amount of xanthic ester is discharged into water, it smells wondrously bad.