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具有棕,白刚玉两者的优点。With brown, white fused alumina two advantages.

2吨的氧化铝约可生产1吨的电解铝.Two tonnes of alumina can produce one tonne of aluminium.

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用烧结法生产喷涂氧化铝。Production of alumina for sputtering with sintering process.

但是,氧化铝层剥落的温度升高。However, the alumina layers spall as the temperature increases.

赤泥是氧化铝生产中产生的废弃物。Red Mud is a waster material formed during the production of alumina.

在草酸电解液中,用阳极氧化法制备了多孔氧化铝。Porous alumina was prepared by anodization in oxalic acid electrolyte.

赤泥是铝土矿提炼氧化铝过程中产生的废弃物,产量巨大。Red Mud is the waste of the alumina industry, which yield is tremendous.

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绿蓝色颜料,主要含有氧化钴和氧化铝。Greenish-blue pigment consisting essentially of cobalt oxide and alumina.

GEHO隔膜泵是氧化铝溶出工序中的重要设备。GEHO diaphragm pump is an important equipment in alumina separating process.

高铝水泥的有时也被称为矾土水泥或水泥基底膜。The High Alumina Cement is sometimes called Aluminous Cement or Cement Fundu.

研究了利用异辛醇和金属铝制备高纯氧化铝的工艺。This paper presents a novel production process of alumina by using isooctanol.

本文研究了高铝氧电瓷材料的破坏机理。The paper deals with the fracture mechanism of high alumina electric porcelain.

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矾土相当稳定,这就是为什么需要消耗大量的能量制备铝了。Alumina is really stable, which is why it takes so much energy to make aluminum.

根据测量结果,讨论了氧化铝在冰晶石熔体中的溶解机理。From the results, solution mechanism of alumina in molten cryolite was discussed.

摩根高级陶瓷公司的点火器和传感器产品采用高纯氧化铝或块滑石生产。Morgan's ignitor and sensor products are based on high purity alumina or steatite.

富铝尖晶石和富镁尖晶石具有不同的生长机理。The alumina rich spinel and magnesium rich spinel have different growth mechanisms.

中铝铝业对于山铝兰铝包铝的兼并对于上半年业绩影响不大,但是会提升下半年的业绩。This will be the best year in 20 years for global aluminum demand growth, Alumina Ltd.

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万达塔希望炼铝厂一年至少能生产一百万吨铝。Vedanta hopes the refinery will produce at least one million tonnes of alumina a year.

以超细氧化铝粉体为原料,采用常压烧结工艺制备了氧化铝陶瓷。Al2O3 ceramic was prepared by normal pressure sintering using superfine alumina powder.

氧化铝的进口禁令严格限制生产能力在100,000吨以下的冶炼商。Alumina import bans have been exacted against smelters with capacity below 100,000 mts.