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耶金的分析有条有理,绝不强硬武断。Yergin is careful in his analysis and never polemical.

这封信可能是为了起到引发争论的效果,内容并不可信。The letter was probably written for polemical impact. It is scarcely credible.

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但是德国方面,也就是德国的财政部长,过于强词夺理。But the German side, namely the finance minister, has been very heavily polemical.

同时它也整理出一条辩论的战线,并出人意料地成为了鹰派博客中的一匹战马。It also codified a polemical line that has, unexpectedly, become a war horse of hawkish bloggers.

“隐藏或者贬低我们的信仰会让事情变得含糊不清,”他说道,“但这不意味着将挑起纷争,导致不和。”"It would be ambiguous to hide or minimize what we believe, " he said. "It's not meant to be divisive or polemical."

本文代表对创意城市的性质和重要性所进行的一种宽泛而偶然的辩证性思考。This article represents a broad and occasionally polemical meditation on the nature and significance of creative cities.

当然,在释经与争论的场合中,加尔文是为奥古斯丁的神的主权和预定的教义辩护的。Of course, Calvin defended an Augustinian doctrine of God's sovereignty and predestination when exegetical and polemical occasion required.

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但没有什么理论可以代替科学精神,因为任何理论都可能因抱着不科学的心态而被当作一种徒增偏见的手段。But no theory can replace that spirit, for any theory can be applied in an unscientific spirit, as a polemical device to reinforce prejudice.

论证不能仅仅是辩驳,必须来自于对课文、讲课资料、录影或影片的清楚且论据充分的评价。Arguments cannot be solely polemical , but must derive from a clear, well-supported evaluation of the texts, lecture materials, videos or films.

在瑞典电视台播出这部有争议性的纪录片之后,Kamprad先生辩解道“税务效率”是宜家公司低价文化的天然组成部分。After the airing of the polemical documentary on Swedish TV, Mr Kamprad retorted that “tax efficiency” was a natural part of the company’s low-cost culture.

现在,一场工业事故——2月27日,乌拉圭弗雷本多的一家好事工厂发生了管道气体引起的爆炸——再度生起争端。Now, an industrial accident—a gaseous explosion in the piping of the polemical Botnia plant in Fray Bento, Uruguay on February 27th—has fuelled the dispute anew.

论文以论带史,以翔实的资料和论辩精神贯穿始终,对当前我国工商行政管理提出了自己的见解。This text brings comment from the history, and prolongs to detailed files and polemical spirit , thus taked personal opinion running through all of China's current Business Administration.

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巴西的几位总统候选人举行最后的电视辩论,候选人在辩论中小心地避谈争议性的话题,并将炮火集中在现任总统身上,而非彼此攻击。Brazil's presidential candidates held a final televised debate in which they cautiously steered clear of polemical issues and directed their attacks at the president rather than each other.

这是一本出色的作品,几乎每一页都流露着思想的火花,既有明亮的智慧,又有艰深的逻辑光辉,还有深刻理解散发出的宁静光芒。It is a sparkling book, with little gems of polemical fire scatteredthrough almost every page, ranging from bright wit to the hard glitter of logicto the quiet radiance of a profound understanding.