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你就是被称作龙族骑士的那一族。You are what one might call a Draconic Knight.

你呼出强烈的能量在远处爆炸。You exhale draconic energy that detonates at a distance.

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吉斯洋基人使用他们自有的隐秘语言。但大多数也懂得通用语和龙语。Githyanki speak their own secret tongue, but most also know Common and Draconic.

如果曾有一种性情柔软的龙类,那就是你的内在龙了。If there ever was a draconic example of a supple attitude, your Inner Dragon is it.

在有些情况下,平均月交点的龙首图会产生更紧张,更有关联的相位。In some cases the Draconic Mean Moon Node chart produces tighter, more relevant aspects.

北交图和本命盘在结构特性上单独的比较就已经十分有趣。The individual comparison between natal and draconic structure patterns also interesting.

下面的是龙之传人这个进阶职业的特性。All of the following are class features of the initiate of the draconic mysteries prestige class.

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大多数龙之传人是武僧,尽管一些战士同样追随这种信仰。Most initiates of the draconic mysteries are monks, though some fighters follow the path as well.

那麽这一次我分享龙语,但与黑蝴蝶结的小礼物,加上一个黑色发光的更好看。Well this time I share Draconic Bow Black but with a small gift, add a black glow for look better.

我进入飞行器,把他那本视若珍宝但实际上一无是处的关于龙语的书给撕了个粉碎。I got in my flying machine and began tearing away at his precious, stupid, dumb-head book on Draconic.

类似于恒星,关键度数和日食度数,等因素同样可以应用于龙首图中。Factors such as fixed stars, critical degrees and eclipse degrees can also be applied to draconic charts.

它们两者的差别很小,但也值得我同时研究这两种龙首图。The difference in the resultant Draconic charts is small, but enough for me to continue to research both.

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细菌耐药性加剧使人类面临着严峻的现实——进入“后抗生素时代”。Aggravation of bacterial drug resistance makes people face a draconic reality, that is post-antibiotics era.

要获得成为龙之传人的资格,人物必须满足以下标准。To qualify to become an initiate of the draconic mysteries, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

有的人会梦到自己骑着巨龙一样的坐骑翱翔在云端,感受风拂过脸颊,没有任何事情能让他恐惧。Some dream of soaring through the clouds atop a mighty draconic steed, feeling the wind on their faces, afraid of nothing.

在原始类龙生物中,狂暴龙兽和那些巨大而危险的猛兽相比和真实的龙类之间有着更多的共通点。Primitive draconic creatures, rage drakes have more in common with large and dangerous dire animals than with true dragons.

这些结合了龙类的暴虐与恶魔的韧性和活力的残暴怪物们比它们的原种表亲们更为可怕。These ferocious monsters are even more terrifying than their ordinary cousins, combining draconic fury with demonic toughness and vigor.

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虽然我就在附近,但是我敢说这本关于龙语的书籍对奈法里奥斯实验室中那些被奴役的技师们或许有用呢。While I was in the neighborhood, I figured some of those slavering technicians in ol' Victor Nefarius' lab might have a use for this Draconic stuff.

另外,龙之传人的徒手攻击由她选择能造成挥砍伤害,正常情况下徒手攻击是钝击伤害,当选择作为挥砍伤害时,无法造成瘀伤。In addition, the unarmed strikes of an initiate of the draconic mysteries may deal slashing damage, at her option. Such damage cannot be nonlethal damage.

家族关系可以从本命盘和龙首图的上升,中天,太阳以及月亮表现出来…There are many more draconic links in this family tree. These few mainly involve the personal points of Natal and Draconic Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun and Moon.