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其核心便是以父系血缘群体利益为重。Its core is to put patrilineal consanguine group benefit first.

进入父系社会后,女性地位开始沦落与丧失。After entering patrilineal society, the admired position of women began to fall.

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黄帝的形像是父系氏族社会晚期军事民主制中的部落酋长。His image is the chief of military democracy in the later stage of patrilineal clan.

在人类社会的早期,我们的社会被分为母系氏族和父系氏族。Early in human society, our society is divided into matrilineal and patrilineal clan clan.

它的资料涵盖母系与父系双行的摩梭社会,以及父系摩梭家庭的民族志内容。It covers data on both matrilineal and patrilineal Mosuo society, and ethnographic information on patrilineal Mosuo families.

在父系血缘关系之外,姻亲、拟血缘关系、地缘和业缘关系得到开发。Besides the patrilineal relationship, in-laws, quasi-blood relatives, geographical and occupational relations play a more active role than before.

即中国的家重视父系血缘关系和系谱关系,淡化家族内部的经济联系。That is to say, the Chinese family pays more attention to the patrilineal kinship and genealogy, and weakens the economic relationship inside the family.

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人殉文化起源于父系氏族公社时期,伴随着中国古代社会的发展,在不同的阶段着有不同的表现形式。The Sati system originated in the patrilineal society, along with the development of ancient Chinese society, in the different stages had different manifestations.

在汉民族的宗族制度中,传统的家谱是以父系世系为轴心的,几乎所有家谱的凡例中都有“不书”的规定,女子便是其中之一。In the Han ethnic clan system, Traditional genealogy is patrilineal descent as the axis, Almost all of the records have "no record" of something, woman is one of them.

传说中的黄帝、尧、舜是该阶段后期的代表人物,表示已转入父系氏族部落和部落联盟的初期国家阶段。The legendary Yellow Emperor, Yao, Shun is the representative of the late stage that has been transferred to patrilineal tribes and tribal alliance early national phase.

它主要包括竹的女阴崇拜和竹的男根崇拜两部分,前者是母系社会的产物,后者是父系社会的产物。Genitalia adoration of bamboo consists of vulvae adoration and phallism, the former is the outcome of matrilineal society, while the latter is the outcome of patrilineal society.

所以姓氏与Y染色体的遗传应该是平行的,有共同姓氏的男性可能有相同或相近的Y染色体类型。Strict patrilineal heredity is also obeyed by parts of our genome, the Y chromosome non-recombinating portion. Therefore, men sharing a surname are expected to have similar Y chromosomes.

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泸沽湖畔的摩梭社会中,母系家庭和父系家庭并存,其社会形态正经历由母系制向父系制变迁的历史时期。Co-existence of matrilineal and patrilineal family in the community of Mosuo people adjacent to Lugu Lake. It's social formation is in such a historical period changing from matriarchy to patriarchy.