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踏访井冈山——中国革命的摇篮Mount Jinggang the cradle of the Chinese revolution.

井冈山位于四县之交。The Jinggang Mountains stand where the boundaries of four counties meet.

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在井冈山革命博物馆,我们听到这样一个故事In the Revolutionary Museum of Mount Jinggang we heard the following story

第四部分为井冈山旅游产业集群化发展实证研究。The fourth part serves as the research work on Jinggang Mountain tourism cluster.

但是京港化学业务开始至今,一直没有进行系统的战略研究和规划。But till now, Jinggang Chem has not caught on a systematic strategic study and planning.

沩水,湘江支流,在靖港汇入湘江。Wei Water, a branch of the Xiangjiang River, mingles with the Xiangjiang River at Jinggang.

靖港古镇有着千年的悠久历史,是一片繁华的水乡之镇。Jinggang town has a long history of the millennium, and is a bustling town of rivers and lakes.

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不管从哪个方向看,画中的井冈路始终就在脚下。Seen from whichever direction the path of Jinggang in the painting always starts from where you stand.

井冈山革命博物馆馆长肖邮华带着我们重温那历史一幕Youhua Xiao Curator of the Revolutionary Museum of Mount Jinggang led us to relive the scene of that history.

在中国,他去过许多我从来没有去过的地方,除了井冈山。In China, he has been to many places which I have never visited, with the exception of the Jinggang Mountains.

他在国内旅游过的地方,除了井冈山外,都是我没有到过的!B. In China, he has been to many places where I have never visited, with the exception of the Jinggang Mountains.

这些土地是位于静冈县的郊区,现在有可能是田地或者山林。These lands are located at Jinggang County's suburb, now has the possibility is the paddies or the wooded mountain.

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在艰苦卓绝的井冈山斗争中形成的井冈山精神,是我们党的宝贵精神财富。The Jinggang spirit, developing in extremely hard and bitter struggle in Jinggangshan, is the valuable spiritual treasure of our party.

举办方介绍,为丰富游客的靖港文化之旅、让独具地方特色的民间艺术得以延续和发展,靖港古镇拟每年举办一届花鼓戏剧节。According to the host, the festival will be carried out once a year in Jinggang to enrich the cultural tourism and promote the folk art here.

1927年9月,工农革命军来到井冈山脚下永新县三湾村时,村子空荡荡的。In September 1927 the Revolutionary Army of Workers and Peasants came to an empty Sanwan village of Yongxin County at the foot of Mount Jinggang.

冯翔参加了12月份在江西井冈山举办的震后重建培训课程。Feng attended a training course for officials involved in post-quake reconstruction in the scenic Jinggang Mountain in Jiangxi Province in December.

井冈山革命博物馆里陈列的实物,真实再现了当年红军将士艰苦的生活条件。The real objects exhibited in the Revolutionary Museum of Mount Jinggang truly reproduced the hard life of the Red Army officers and soldiers in those years.

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从分析地方特色产品的包装要突出地方文化入手,探讨井冈山红米酒的包装在图形、色彩和表现形式上的设计方法。In this article, we studied the processing techniques of the instant Jinggang red rice, and obtained the optimal production conditions by parameter selecting.

京冈村是一个单姓的典型宗族村庄,在历史发展过程中,它有着自身的特点,也有潮汕典型的宗族特点。Jinggang is a typical single-surname lineage village. With the historical development, it has its own characteristics, but also features Chaoshan typical clan.

苏区精神是井冈山精神的延续和发展,是井冈山精神的展开和放大,是井冈山精神发展的一个新阶段。The spirit of Chinese Soviet Areas is the continuation and development of the spirit of Jinggang shan, and it is a new development stage of the spirit of Jinggangshan.