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我将金融视为诸多事物的基础I see finance as the underpinning of so much that happens.

采用预压桩托换法后,恢复正常使用功能。It was rectified by method of preloaded pile underpinning.

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分析师指出,劳动力市场改善将支撑经济成长.They point to an improving labor market as underpinning growth.

支撑这样的发起需要描述可重用资产。Underpinning such initiatives is a need to describe reusable assets.

论述了桩预应力梁托换结构的设计与施工方法。The construction scheme and procedure of pile foundation underpinning of No.

确保存在有事实依据,合乎逻辑的理论支持来支撑你的创意。Make sure you build fact-based, logical support as the underpinning for your idea.

为了给所有这些问题找到支撑点,我们只能假设人类最终的权利能得到解放与自由。Underpinning it all is the premise that the ultimate right of humans is to be free.

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结果表明托换和顶升施工是成功的。The results show that the underpinning and the jacking constructions are successful.

该托换工区位于深圳市最繁华的东门商业区。The underpinning area lies in the most flourish shopping center in the east of Shenzhen.

我疑惑这些老生常谈有多少是有科学基础而有多少只是想当然。I wondered how many of these truisms had a scientific underpinning and how many were but myths.

经济合作与文化交流,是连接国家之间的两条重要纽带。Economic cooperation and cultural exchange are two pillars underpinning state-to-state relations.

体育和媒体的共生关系是这次商业盛宴的基础。Underpinning this festival of commerce is the symbiotic relationship between sport and the media.

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“达沃斯人”忽视了合法的、强有力的政府在支持全球体系方面的作用。Davos people underplayed the role of legitimate and potent states in underpinning the global system.

证明是通过「明思想」出的,深刻揭示了支撑形式层面的本质概念。Proofs are presented with a" proof idea" component to reveal the concepts underpinning the formalism.

非但如此,柬埔寨还仅仅支持EITI的基本原则,这就意味着其中的规则对他们毫无约束。Rather, it agreed to endorse only the principles underpinning the EITI, making its rules non-binding.

支撑烧结是一个全新的,531磅铝空间框架,专为这一模式。Underpinning the SLS is an all-new, 531- lb aluminum space frame designed specifically for this model.

而支撑所有这些系统的——推动它们的建立的——是信息技术。And underpinning all of those systems-what drives the creation of those systems-is information technology.

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我相信这些原则将为通用的公认的项目管理实践提供理论基础。I believe these will serve as a theoretical underpinning for generally accepted project management practice.

她过去坐在铁栏门的石基上,紧靠着那根铁条,仿佛是在守护它。She seated herself on the underpinning of the railing, close beside the bar, as though she were guarding it.

支撑这一旺盛增长势头的,是可观的投资收益和充足的新开工项目资金。Underpinning the momentum are highly attractive returns on investment and sufficient funding for new projects.