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保护你的健康。Safeguard your health.

四个人当中就有三个选中“舒肤佳”牌香皂!Three out of four people choose "Safeguard" soap!

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我们认为保卫世界和平时我们的职责。We consider it our duty to safeguard world peace.

我们必须捍卫我们领土的完整。We must safeguard our state territorial integrity.

经常保护和更改你的密码。Safeguard your passwords and change them frequently.

我们誓死屏藩国家的领土!We pledge to safeguard the territory of our country.

新卡将保护公司免遭诈骗。The new card will safeguard the company against fraud.

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中国增加了海上巡逻舰艇,以保障海上权益。China adds patrol ships to safeguard maritime interests.

我们必须保护森林木材,停止滥伐。We must safeguard forest timber and stop over-lumbering.

第二,他们怀疑我们保卫核武器库的能力。Second, they doubted our ability to safeguard our assets.

苏丹把林茂和林吉割让给荷兰人,以作保证。As a safeguard Sultan ceded Rembau and Linggi to the Dutch.

这由你来决定,是维护你的人格尊严还是失去它。It is up to you to safeguard your human dignity or lose it.

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今天一定是有很多保护神与我们同行。There must have been many safeguard angels around us today.

在维护民族团结的斗争中。In the struggle to safeguard the unity of the nationalities.

但是沃尔特和他的同事们额外添加了一份保险。But Walt and his colleagues added one more safeguard as well.

乡镇通信抢修及保障工作进展情况。The progress of communication repairing and safeguard in towns.

第四,完善社会保障体系的资金保障机制。Fourth, perfect social security system fund safeguard mechanism.

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合同自由是保护竞争、进行流通的手段。It will safeguard competitions and it is a means of circulation.

军队的重要任务之一是保卫和平。To safeguard the peace is one of the important tasks of the army.

想要捍卫爱情,就别当善男信女。Don't be a nice person if you want to safeguard your relationship.