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设计了一种新的波导结构。II. A novel waveguide structure was designed.

YIG是制备磁光波导器件的良好材料。Bi-YIG are good materials for waveguide devices.

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YIG是制备磁光波导器件的良好材料。Ce-, Bi-YIG are good materials for waveguide devices.

用波导构成了一个对称的波导五端口结。A symmetrical five-port waveguide junction was developed.

快波和慢波都可以在这种波导中传播。The fast and slow waves can both propagate in the waveguide system.

最终制作成功质子交换铌酸锂平板波导。Finally, a planar proton exchanged waveguide on LiNbO3 is completed.

另外,还给出了光子晶体波导中的能流密度矢量图。In addition, Poynting vector in photonic crystals waveguide is gained.

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喇叭辐射器是由一段均匀波导和喇叭本身组成。A horn radiator consists of a horn and a segment of a uniform waveguide.

而零归一化功率流则说明了能量静止于波导中。But, zero power flux implies all energy is stored in the slab waveguide.

矩形波导缝隙阵天线在机载雷达上获得广泛使用。Rectangular waveguide slot array antenna is widely used in airborne radar.

利用矩量法对矩形波导宽边纵缝阵列进行了理论计算。Rectangular waveguide longitudinal slot arrays is analyzed using moment method.

本文给出毫米波H面波导Y结环行器的设计。The design of MMW H-plane Y-junction waveguide circulator is given in this paper.

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并用微扰法计算和分析了四层漏波导结构。The four-layer leaky waveguide mechanism is analyzed by perturbation method also.

介绍了一种平面型波导单脉冲比较器的设计。In this paper, the design of a planar waveguide monopulse comparator is presented.

铌酸锂波导调制器的相位漂移是其主要失效模式之一。The phase-drifting is one of the main failure modes of LiNbO3 waveguide modulator.

对称金属包覆波导结构由上下金属包覆层和夹在中间的导波层组成。This kind of waveguide consists of two metal films and a guiding layer in between.

本文讨论了在三层平板介质波导中横电波的传播问题。The problem of a TE wave propagation in a three layers slab waveguide is discussed.

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本文讨论变容管微波限幅器的理论模型。A theoretical model of waveguide microwave limiter with Varactor Diodes is discussed.

本文通过基片集成波导技术设计并实现了一种行波式圆极化天线线阵列。The LN and Mg∶In∶LN waveguide substrates were made by the proton exchange technology.

用内铸法制得了具有波导结构的预制棒。Preforms with waveguide structure have been formed by using a built -in casting method.