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这个指标是相关系数So this is a measure--it's a scaled covariance.

另一个基本的概念是协方差Another concept that's very basic here is covariance.

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一个正值的协方差表示两个变量同向变动A positive covariance means that the two move together.

协方差衡量的是两个变量一起变动的情况Covariance is a measure of how much two variables move together.

负值的协方差就表示,二者反向变动A negative covariance means that they tend to move opposite each other.

对协变与逆变的完整介绍要花很长时间。A full introduction to covariance and contravariance would take too long.

很多个负值的结果相加,就会使协方差是一个负值If you get a lot of negative products, that makes the covariance negative.

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目的探讨协变量的不均衡对协方差分析的影响。Objective To study the effect of covariate imbalance on analysis of covariance.

最大似然法采用了迭代的方法来估计噪声的协方差矩。The estimation of noise covariance matrix is based on iterative procedure in ML.

由矩阵的特征值,求取椭圆率和线性因子。We can get the ellipticity and linearity from the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.

资料用卡方检验、逐步回归和协方差分析等。The data was analyzed by chi-square, stepwise regression analysis and covariance statistics.

最近开始应用的是一种改进的测量方法,所谓的涡度相关法。An improved measuring method, the so-called eddy covariance method, recently became available.

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对其进行平均后,所得到的相干信号协方差矩阵具有满秩性。By averaging the previous results, a new covariance matrix is obtained. It is a full rank matrix.

经描述性统计、独立样本t检定、相依样本t检定及共变数分析。In addition, this study was analyzed by descriptive statistic, t-test and analysis of covariance.

在不求出DOA的情况下,采用离散傅里叶变换来估计该路径下行信道协方差矩阵。DFT is used to estimate the covariance matrix of downlink channel of the path, not calculating DOA.

所以总的来说,你可以从这里看出,协方差越大-,投资组合的σ2越高,the,higher,the,σSo, the higher the covariance is, generally, the higher--you can see from here-- 2 of the portfolio.

这里有一个r1和r2之间的协方差,你也可以叫它σ12,which,you,can,also,call,σ,这些就是我们分析所需要的信息。So, we're going to have the covariance between r1 and r2, 12 and those are the inputs to our analysis.

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从应用角度出发,解决了双样本均值向量和协方差矩阵的检验问题。The testing problem of double sample's average vector and covariance matrix has been solved in the paper.

对局部邻域进行加权协方差分析,估计出该部域的最小二乘拟合平面。By analyzing the weighted covariance matrix of a local neighborhood, its least-squares plane was estimated.

从半同胞协方差估计出来的,同一性状的加性遗传方差为0.9602。The additive genetic variance of the same character, estimated from the covariance of half sibs, was 0. 9602.