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“任务驱动”是一种建立在建构主义教学理论基础上的教学方法。"Task-driven" is a teaching method based on constructivist theory of teaching.

建构主义学习理论,为实验心理学的教学带来了生机和活力。Constructivist learning theory brings vigor to the teaching of experimental psychology.

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对于科学如何制造知识的问题,诺尔提出了一种建构主义的观点。How do the sciences make knowledge?Knorr Centina puts forward her constructivist theory.

卡赞斯坦创造性地以地区为单位建立了地区世界的理论。Peter J. Katzenstein has creatively formulated a constructivist theory of a world of regions.

“任务驱动”教学法是一种建立在建构主义教学理论基础上的教学法。Task-driven teaching mode is one of the teaching modes based on constructivist teaching theory.

建构主义教师教育是以建构主义为主要理论指导的国外教师教育改革的新模式。Constructivist teacher education is a new model of teacher education reform in foreign countries.

“任务驱动”是一种建立在建构主义教学理论基础上的教学法。"mission-driven, " based on a constructivist theory of teaching on the basis of teaching methods.

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然而建构主义教学不但对教师,也同时对学生提出很高的要求。However, constructivist teaching and learning places greater demands on students as well as teachers.

课件的应用是否达到建构主义学习环境的要求?。Does the application CALL courseware meet the requirements of the constructivist learning environment?

任务驱动教学法是一种建立在建构主义教学理论基础上的教学法。The task-driven approach is based on a constructivist theory of teaching on the basis of teaching methods.

建构主义不同于行为主义,因为建构主义是学生自我控制学习。The constructivist approach differs from the objectivist in that the student takes control of the learning.

本课题的定量研究材料来源于一项在课程前、后对学生自主学习性的问卷调查。The theoretical base for this study is a goal-oriented cognitive and social constructivist view of learning.

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通过学期初和学期末两次考试成绩的分析来验证建构主义听力教学的效果。What will students who have become accustomed to traditional teaching react to constructivist listening class?

建构主义学习观对当今教育理论与实践产生了广泛的影响。Constructivist view of learning has exerted a widespread influence on the theories and practice of modern education.

此外,它还提供了一个更符合结构主义教学理念的、更以学生为中心的学习环境。Above all, it is assumed to offer the possibility of a more constructivist and student-centered learning environment.

社会建构主义通过将科学的基础还原为历史性的存在,超出了这种形而上学的区分。Social constructivist has reduced the foundation of science to historical thing and transcended the metaphysical difference.

本研究旨在探讨一位国中理化教师尝试将建构主义理念融入教学中的实施情形。The trial practice of constructivist teaching by a female science teacher at a junior high school was observed in this study.

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本文阐明了社会建构主义学习理论的观点思想,及其对网络学习共同体的启示。The article interprets the central ideas of constructivist learning theory and the revelation to networked learning community.

自我导向学习能力对建构取向网路学习环境偏好具直接或中介之影响效果。Self-directed Learning ability has direct and indirect effect on Constructivist Internet-based Learning Environment Preference.

主题学习的理论基础主要有主体教育理论、建构主义学习环境设计理论等。The theme-based learning is based on Subject-Oriented Education Theory and Constructivist Learning Environments Theory and so on.