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通过西方和伦巴第的大地Through the Lands of the West and Lombardy

放祭衣的圣器收藏室餐具柜,伦巴底700,落叶松木材。Sacristy sideboard for paraments, Lombardy end of 700, larch wood.

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当时,法国与皮埃蒙特已经联手将奥地利人逐出了意大利北部的伦巴第地区。France and Piedmont, in alliance, had kicked the Austrians out of Lombardy.

谷物由伦巴第大区和坎帕尼亚中也提到了这是蜂蜜从西西里和塔兰托。Grains from Lombardy and Campania are also mentioned as is honey from Sicily and Taranto.

新品种西红柿产自艾米利亚-罗马涅及伦巴第,它没有经过任何基因改造。The new tomato is grown without genetic modification in the regions of Emilia Romagna and Lombardy.

亚历桑德罗内斯塔已经对米兰提出尽快拟定新合同的要求,因为他迫切希望留在伦巴底大区。Alessandro Nesta has told Milan to speed up talks over a new deal, as he is desperate to remain in Lombardy.

意大利的伦巴第和罗马涅两个地区已经发布紧急状态。Two Italian regions, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, have already requested that a state of emergency be declared.

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再加上美丽的科摩和伦巴第群山,这是我在欧洲度过的最美好的周末之一。Combined with the beautiful surroundings of Como and the Lombardy hills and this was one of the best weekends I have ever spent in Europe.

伦巴第Legambiente环保组织的主席达米亚诺迪·希迈称,为了避免一场灾难,政府要马上行动。Damiano di Simine, Lombardy president for the Legambiente environmental group, said immediate action should have been taken to avoid such a disaster.

意大利奥委会和隆巴底大区将会在明晚为出生于隆巴底大区的皮尔洛颁奖以表彰他在2006年世界杯上的胜利。CONI and the region of Lombardy will award Andrea Pirlo tomorrow evening for his 2006 World Cup victory as a player from the Lombardy region of Italy.

坐落在曼哈顿市中心的心脏,伦巴第是从纽约的拉瓜迪亚机场仅8公里,是商务和休闲旅客的目的地都可以。Nestled in the heart of midtown Manhattan, The Lombardy is just 8 miles from New York's La Guardia Airport, making it an accessible destination for business and leisure travelers alike.

历来被用来土地分界的大叶杨,针叶树以及意大利白杨小树林为住宅提供一个全方位掩体,使其不受高速公路和刺骨山风的影响。Groves of cottonwoods, conifers, and Lombardy poplars, long used by pioneers for demarcating property lines, offer the family compound shelter from the highway and from fierce mountain winds.