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神秘的夏夜,群星鼓噪的夏夜!Summer nights mysterious with crackling stars!

鞭炮劈里啪啦地响。The firecrackers were crackling and spluttering.

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劈啪作响的热量也叫做“碎片整理”。The crackling heat is also known as "defragmentation".

一阵“噼里啪啦”的声音传入我的耳朵里,我的口水直往下流。While "crackling" sound into my ears, my mouth straight nasty.

我们所能听到的只是一些模糊不清的劈啪声,咕嘟声和嘶嘶声。It is pretty certain that you have heard a soft crackling noise.

愚昧人的笑声,好像锅下烧荆棘的爆声。Like the crackling of thorns under the pot, so is the laughter of fools.

所有树木,无论大小,都着了火,烧得劈啪作响。All the trees, big and small, were burning and crackling with a loud noise.

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炙烤或煅烧直到发出毕毕剥剥的声音或停止爆裂的声音。To roast or calcine until they emit a crackling sound or until crackling stops.

房内壁炉里的火活泼泼地燃烧着,木材劈劈啪啪地响,不时迸发出火星。Within, a fresh fire was burning in the hearth, the logs crackling and spitting.

如果你急忙把你的菜上桌,它会在你的客人面前依旧有轻微的劈啪声。If you hurry your dish to the table, it will still be crackling in front of your guests.

当第一阵春风吹来的时候,我和琼已经是不可救药地相爱了。By the time the first crackling of spring came around, Joan and I were hopelessly in love.

愚昧人的笑声,好像锅下烧荆棘的爆声。这也是虚空。Like the crackling of thorns under the pot, so is the laughter of fools. This too is meaningless.

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晚上教堂顶部发出噼里啪啦的声音,听上去像是有石墙在倒塌。There was a crackling sound in the night on the Cathedral roof and a noise as of falling masonry.

我俩跳起来,望向树林深处,我们唯一能听见的便是枪开火的声音。My girlfriend and I jumped up and looked into the deep woods, all we heard was the loud crackling of the fire.

展览最为得意之处在于一副描绘了从前的农奴欢欣鼓舞的将“封建统治的凭证”投入到火中烧掉的透视画。Pride of place goes to a diorama showing former serfs merrily chucking "feudal documents" into a crackling fire.

质地爽脆的蔬菜出来后就像在凡士林中嫩过的发网一样粘糊糊的筋筋拉拉的。Vegetables with crisp and crackling texture emerge as mush , slippery and stringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline.

当太阳落山时,数百人从附近的一个村庄围着篝火,庆祝脆皮一个独特的事件。As the sun sets, hundreds of people from nearby villages gather around a crackling bonfire to celebrate a unique event.

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点燃时会噼啪作响,这时你最好吹灭它,用更多的蜂蜜重新做过这个实验。It will produce a crackling sound, and it would be best to blow out the wick and try it again this time using more honey.

这场足球比赛精彩纷呈,从一开场就火药味十足,双方攻势如潮,进攻打的行云流水。It was a marvellous game of football, crackling with intensity from the first whistle, ebbing and flowing with attacking play.

非常高的充满浮石颗粒的火山灰云团咆哮向上,撒开成气体和烟尘的乌云,伴随着缠结一团的闪电发出的爆裂声。Highly charged particles of pumice roar upward in spreading clouds of gas and smoke, generating crackling tangles of lightning.