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是要钻石的、红宝石的还是蓝宝石的?A sapphire that was cut cabochon.

叫“蓝宝石”则很爱扮酷,喜欢穿蓝色衣服。Sapphire is cool and prefers to wear blue.

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第一次生产的蓝宝石紫蓝底过背。A first time brooder, a Sapphire Gold xback.

英国皇家邮政发布面值5英镑的宝石蓝邮票。The Royal Mail issues a Sapphire Blue 5 stamp.

天空是蓝宝石,星星是钻石。The sky is sapphire and the stars are diamonds.

穿上已褪色的蓝宝石色的牛仔裤,我希望你做追梦人。Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams.

论述了蓝宝石晶片的净化原理。The cleaning principle of sapphire wafers is discussed.

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一尾大约四岁的新蓝宝石紫蓝底过背金种鱼。One of the new Sapphire Gold brooder, aged about4 years.

如果矿物是蓝色的,那就是蓝宝石。If the mineral has a blue color it's known as a sapphire.

在这个原因,有时也称为水蓝宝石。In this reason, it is sometimes called as water sapphire.

成的星光红、蓝宝石。Synthetic corundum may synthesize into sapphire and ruby.

一尾大约四岁的新蓝宝石紫蓝底过背金种鱼。One of the new Sapphire Gold brooder , aged about 4 years.

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带有方向标,蓝宝石镜头,永不磨损。With direction index, sapphire cover lens, never abrasion.

以前的仲天骐就算赔上性命也会帮我找到那颗蓝宝石。Zhong Tianqi would get me the sapphire on the cost of life.

是一枚有钻石围绕,在白金底上镶有蓝宝石的戒指。It's a blue sapphire surrounded by diamonds set in white gold.

被发现逗留在池塘边的年青蓝宝石紫蓝底过背金。Found parked near the side of a mud pond, young Sapphire Golds.

于是,镶嵌橄榄石,碧玉,蓝宝石的云墙中间。So, with its cloudy walls of chrysolite , jasper, and sapphire.

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众多的宝石类型都有色变这一特点,如蓝宝石和夜明珠。Many gem types display color change, such as Sapphire and Garnet.

防水可达200米,与蓝宝石水晶玻璃。Water resistant up to 200 meters and with crystal sapphire glass.

只是想为咱们所爱的人做“纯宝蓝色”的音乐应援。All we want is that show you the music support of "pure sapphire".