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细纱机后区牵伸形式影响成纱条干。Back region drafting form has effects on yarn evenness.

为什么生态平衡与物种相对丰富同等重要。Why ecological evenness is as important as relative richness.

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双石镇农耕区的多样性和均匀度指数较低。Shuangshizhen had the lowest values of diversity and evenness.

还是一个平坦的腹部才能留住漂亮。The abdominal ability tarry that still is an evenness is beautiful.

电子调温,具有加热面积大,生温快,温度均匀。Electronic control, large heating area quick heating -up, high evenness.

提高了田间出苗率和整齐度,以及产量。The rate and evenness of emergence as well as production can be increased.

实践表明,所纺制的纯棉精梳细号纱成纱质量较好。Practice shows that the yarn evenness of fine count combed cotton yarn is good.

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双层结构洒布管,压力均匀。With the double-construct distributing bar, it has evenness distributing press.

用来测试和分析条子和粗纱的条干不匀及条干不匀的结构特征。Used for testing the sliver and roving's evenness and the structure of evenness.

检验棉、毛、麻、绢、丝等条子及粗纱的均匀度。Test evenness of sliver and roving of cotton, wool, twine, pun silk and silk etc.

各消毒处理能提高线虫群落丰富度和均匀度。The soil fumigation can increase the richness and evenness of nematode community.

笔者对GD型并捻机张力均匀性进行了测试、分析。The tension evenness on GD doubling and twisting machine is examined and analysed.

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窑内采用了强制通风设施,改善了干燥均匀度。Forced draught equipment was employed in the kiln to improve the evenness in drying.

而Simpson优势度指数和Pielou均匀度指数较土著植物群落中高。Moreover, Pielou evenness index was higher than that in the two native plant communities.

检验棉、毛、麻、娟、丝等条子及粗纱均匀度。Test evenness of sliver and roving of cotton, wool, twine, twine, spun silk and silk etc.

结果表明,成纱有害纱疵少、条干均匀、强度好。The result shows that blended bamboo yarn has less defects, better evenness and strength.

生物多样性具有物种丰富度及物种均匀性两方面的含义。The biodiversity has the meanings of two aspects of species richness and species evenness.

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采用本发明的方法可大幅提高栅极氧化层的均匀性。The method of the present invention can greatly increase evenness of the grid oxide layer.

每根针配合独立的气弹簧结构,保证注射的均匀性。Each needle is provided with an independent air spring to ensure the evenness of injection.

跳虫、摇蚊为中性昆虫亚群落的优势种。Indices of diversity, evenness and dominant concertation were examined in different groups.