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松树是节操的象征。The pine is a badge of constancy.

所以我的诗也一样坚贞不渝。Therefore my verse to constancy confined.

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烬成功的秘诀在于持之于恒。The secret of success is constancy of purpose.

镼罏成功的秘诀在于对目标的忠实。The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

成功之秘诀乃持之以恒。The secret of success iin constancy of purpose.

唽成功的秘诀在于持之于恒。Thee secret of success is constancy of purpose.

这家饭店坐落于康斯坦斯湖边。The hotel stands on the shore of Lake Constancy.

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虽然我们的确喜欢变化,但我们也需要一种恒常不变的感受。While we do like change, we also need a sense of constancy.

这取决于它们在许多近缘类群中的稳定性。This depends on their constancy throughout many allied groups.

测定甘草酸二铵注射液的药物稳定性。To determine constancy of Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate injection.

恒久不变和无情的变化都无益于创造。Neither constancy nor relentless change will support a creation.

也许故事的关键就在于恒久不变的创新驱动力。Perhaps the main story is the constancy of the innovation drive.

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“不管在哪,我们都要努力找到变化中的不变”伯特克写到。"Wherever we seek to find constancy we discover change," writes Botkin.

这是我们的物理规律保持恒定的最好的检验。That's one of the best tests we have of the constancy of the laws of physics.

就是将易变控制与局限在同一个对象上。Constancy is therefore inconstancy held in check and confined to the same object.

合理的膳食、良好的心态和持之以恒的锻炼,造就旺盛的生命!Reasonable prandial, good mentality and constancy of exercise, create healthy life!

该描述子具有颜色恒常的特性。This description of the surface spectral reflectance has the property of color constancy.

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从一个角度看,部分稳固论似乎是完全直观的。Viewed from one perspective, the doctrine of mereological constancy can seem fairly intuitive.

种内样品间的光谱特征反映出成分稳定性和产地差异。Spectral characteristics between intraspecies reflect the component constancy and habitat difference.

一些研究已经表明,在一个群落内的某些同资源种团中的总物种的比例是不变的。Some studies have found constancy in the proportion of total species in certain guilds within a community.