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我们永远不称霸。We will never seek hegemony.

而是对霸权的蔑视。It is a thumbing of the nose at hegemony.

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这才是经济霸主应有的规模。This is what economic hegemony will look like.

中国不搞霸权主义,不搞强权政治,不对外搞军事扩张。China does not seek hegemony and power politics.

我们并不沉迷于世界霸权。We do not have an obsession with world hegemony.

我们不去威胁别人,也不会去侵略别人,我们反对霸权主义。We don't threat or invade others. We oppose hegemony.

事实上,无论汉堡包还是意大利面条都体现不了霸权主义。Neither the burger nor pasta manifests a colonial hegemony.

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中国永远不称霸,永远不搞扩张。China will never seek hegemony and never go in for expansion.

单极化的美国霸权是不能成功的。Unipolar hegemony of the United States can not be successful.

要争取和平就必须反对霸权主义,反对强权政治。To work for peace one must oppose hegemony and power politics.

美国对古巴的霸权有其历史根源。After the America-Spanish war, U. S. built its hegemony in Cuba.

世界霸权的地位的最终关键是其军事优势。The final key to Europe's world hegemony was her military superiority.

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他们是被处于世界两级的强权国家。They are located on opposite ends of the world, each with its own hegemony.

葛兰西的文化领导权蕴涵着从“霸权”到“合法化”的理论旨趣。The culture hegemony theory embodies the purport from hegemony to legalization.

美国霸权主义逐渐变弱如果一个新的世界秩序形成,他看起来是什么样子?US hegemony is waning. If a new world order is looming, what will it look like?

华丽尊贵的曲风,描述著伟大建筑中国城紫禁城之尊贵之霸气。Gorgeous and noble melody to describe the dignity and hegemony of grand China palace.

他是一个穆斯林,和对穆斯林有偏见的霸权国家进行正义的斗争!He is a Muslim , a bias against Muslims and the hegemony of the struggle for justice!

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在东方,他成功地建立起来了拜占廷对十字军小国的霸权。In the East he succeeded in establishing Byzantine hegemony over the crusading states.

后殖民女性主义以其强烈的批判性直指西方对东方的知识霸权。Post-colonial feminism sharply criticizes the West's knowledge hegemony on the East's.

“积极的多边主义”和“非公平性”是美国制度霸权的基本特征。The basic features of American hegemony are its active multilateralism and non-equity.