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我们都同意米妮了。We agreed on Minnie.

米妮摇动两个摇摇.Minnie shakes two rocks.

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米奇想要亲米妮.Mickey wants to kiss Minnie.

米妮让高飞去拿蛋糕。Minnie asks Gofer to fetch the cake.

米妮赶紧抹了口红.Minnie smears the lipstick in hurry.

米妮让米奇打开礼物.Minnie asks Mickey to open his present.

他妻子露西是米妮的配音员。His wife Russi was the voice of Minnie Mouse.

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至于敏妮是如何向汉生解释的,她从没问过。How Minnie explained to Hanson she never knew.

女儿挥著手说,"再见,美妮。"Our daughter waved and said, "Good-by, Minnie."

敏妮答应去说说。于是汉生继续看他的报纸。Minnie said she would, and Hanson read his paper.

女儿也挥著手说,“再见了,米妮。”" Our daughter waved and said, "Good-bye, Minnie.

明妮独自在邮局,将邮件分类。Minnie was alone in the post office, sorting mail.

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真希望我过去常来看看明妮?福斯特。I wish I had come over to see Minnie Foster sometimes.

代表出生于波多黎各。Representative Minnie Gonzalez was born in Adjuntas Puerto Rico.

敏妮想的却是嘉莉在他们家搭伙,可以增加些家里的收入。Minnie was thinking of the resource which Carrie's board would add.

她象往常一样帮明妮洗好碗碟,整顿一下衣衫。As usual, she helped Minnie clear away the dishes and straightened up.

敏妮为这事很忧愁,不过态度一直很温和。Minnie was truly distressed at this, but maintained a kindly demeanour.

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“我还有些钱,”她说,“你和我一起去吧。”敏妮摇了摇头。"I have some money, " she said. "You go with me. " Minnie shook her head.

敏妮对此没有反对,所以嘉莉就戴上帽子下楼去了。Minnie made no objection to this, and Carrie put on her hat and went below.

在历史中如果谁能为自己留有一席之地,我认为此人一定就是魏特琳。I felt that if anyone deserved her place in history, that person was Minnie Vautrin.