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但能说是作恶吗?But is that evil?

定会以邪恶相报。Do evil in return.

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邪恶的克星。Vanquisher Of Evil.

拯救我们脱离邪恶。Deliver us from evil.

这是一个坏透了的夜晚。It was an evil night.

真主紧急呼救天狗。Live God SOS dog evil.

你的意识并非是邪恶的。Your mind is not evil.

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我认为那就是邪恶。And I think that is evil.

他把这个倒楣的时刻推迟下去。He put off the evil hour.

我设了个毒计来摆布她。I had evil plans for her.

我没有看出这种混合有什么麻烦。I see no evil in the mix.

她又露出邪恶的笑容。She grinned an evil grin.

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所有生灵,不分善恶。Every being, good or evil.

善是立基于恶之上。Good is founded upon evil.

究竟人是性本善还是性本恶呢?Is human born kind or evil?

那么罪恶又是怎样产生的呢?Then how can there be evil?

我们欢迎揭露假恶丑。We welcome the expose evil.

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善良将战胜邪恶。Good will prevail over evil.

金融是罪恶的根源。Mfirsty is the root of evil.

祸从口出。Out of the mouth comes evil.