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那我换个颜色吧Let me switch colors.

请重设卡上的开关。Reset switch on card.

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按钮开关易控制。Easy push button switch.

所以现在我要转换话题。So now I'm gonna switch.

因此他们进行了改革So they made the switch.

可设置定时开关机。To set the timer switch.

马达换相开关“,”Motor Pole Change Switch.

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你将来会成为尼康的粉丝。You will switch to Nikon.

这儿是电灯开关!Here is the light- switch.

这是总开关。Here is the master switch.

QF3为检修电源开关。QF3 is overhaul power switch.

用后按启开关。Release the switch after use.

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小主人转动了开关。Turn the little master switch.

换成这排可以吗Can we switch to this row okay?

一个切换视频模式的工具。A utility to switch video modes.

雷电,关掉你的游戏机。Raiden, switch off your console.

现在我们要换一种风格了。We're going to switch the board.

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我把你的电话转给林西席。I'll switch your call to Mr. Lin.

我把你的电话转给林先生。I‘ll switch your call to Mr. Lin.

那么让我们切换到今天的讲义。So let's switch to today's notes.