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新种族隔离政策?Spinks, Charlotte. "A New Apartheid?

在种族隔离制度下,他们还让我们住砖房。Under apartheid they gave us a brick house.

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接近40年了,戈迪默大声控诉种族隔离政策。For nearly 40 years, Gordimer has spoken out against apartheid.

甚至种族主义者也很难提出有利于种族隔离的理由。Even the racialist find it difficult to make out a case for apartheid.

这将会填补这些旅店的空床,减少“游客种族隔离”的指责。That would fill empty beds, and assuage resentment at "tourist apartheid".

也就是说,虽然奥巴马当了总统,但种族隔离仍然存在于美国。So Apartheid still exists in USA even under the Presidentship of Mr. Obama.

悲剧的是,在种族隔离离开后,接踵而来却的是不公平。Tragically, since the end of apartheid inequality in South Africa has grown.

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这似乎也暗示了种族隔离完全是男人弄出的事。Which would seem to suggest that apartheid was entirely the business of men.

南非种族隔离制将部落制度作为其对国土“分而治之”的政策基础。Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its "divide-and-rule" homeland policies.

在南非,人民通过英勇斗争废除了种族隔离政策。and in South Africa, where the struggle of a courageous people defeated apartheid.

然而种族隔离氛围下的锦绣前程引不起他的兴趣。However, under an atmosphere of apartheid a bright future not have interest in him.

荷兰的那家留下的是一个庞大却常常统治不当的帝国,还有南非的种族隔离。The Dutch one left behind a wide, often ill-run empire, and South African apartheid.

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血腥暴动的运动激励对阵南非的种族隔离制度。The bloody uprising galvanizes the movement against South Africa's apartheid regime.

比如1964年的东京奥运会时南非就因奉行种族隔离政策而被禁止参赛。During the 1964 Tokyo Games, for example, South Africa was banned because of apartheid.

明智的人不会认为男童子军和女童子军是一种性别隔离。No sensible person thinks of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts as a form of gender apartheid.

总统对于废除种族隔离的承诺是不会改变的。Mr Botha said President De Klerk's commitment to the abolition of apartheid was irreversible.

到种族隔离时期结束,中国人没有得到黑人所得到的那种补偿。When the apartheid era ended, Chinese did not receive the compensation given to black Africans.

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他说,认识到种族隔离制度下的施受双方都是有人性的人这一点很重要。Recognition of the humanity of those on both sides of the apartheid barrier was essential, he said.

如果不给予他们选举权,以色列就不再是个民主国家,而是个实行种族隔离的国家。If they were denied the right to vote, Israel would no longer be a democracy but an apartheid state.

在种族隔离的年代,约翰内斯堡的居民区和夜生活被留给了白人。Johannesburg's residential areas and nightlife were set aside for whites during the apartheid years.