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这一次,他终于可以独享闪光灯了。At last the spotlight is just on him.

关于聚光灯效应。And this is about the spotlight effect.

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她独自站在舞台的聚光灯下.She stood alone on stage in the spotlight.

真是要得!他总是众所瞩目的超级明星。Attaboy! He's always a superstar in the spotlight.

聚光灯在舞台上洒下一团紫光。A spotlight threw a pool of violet light on the stage.

瑞秋·简德尔今天第二天出现在聚光灯下。Rachel Jeantel today, her second day in the spotlight.

现在,这家台湾的谷歌手机制造商被放到了聚光灯下,成为大众和媒体所瞩目的焦点。Now the Taiwanese Google-phone maker is in the spotlight.

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对麦艾维而言,这代表他又要在聚光灯下待一阵子了。For McAvoy, this means an extended spell in the spotlight.

这名歌手和她乐团里的人一起同台演出。The singer shared the spotlight with the rest of her band.

孤独的女人出现在追光灯下,达德尸体旁边。A single woman appears in a spotlight near the body of Dud.

在患病初期,穆罕默德远离了媒体的聚光灯。Early in his disease, Muhammad shied away from the spotlight.

外面变成了舞台,他们都消失了,聚光灯亮了起来。It's turns to a stage, they're gone, and this spotlight is on.

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对曾晶来说,这仅仅是她成名之路的开始。For Zeng, this was just the start of her life in the spotlight.

现在他与罗伯特·帕丁森共同分享红毯上的瞩目。Now he's sharing the red carpet spotlight with Robert Pattinson.

好吧,在本周,人们的目光聚焦在了白虎身上。Okay, so this week, the species spotlight is on the white tiger.

摇曳在笔尖的舞姿,是聚光灯下最浓烈的一抹艳红。Swaying dance in nib, is the most strong touch of red spotlight.

我们希望这期新闻聚焦将有助于确保这种问题不会发生。We hope this spotlight will help ensure that it does not happen.

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我要感谢银河队让我在这聚光灯下与你们一起分享。I want to thank the Galaxy for letting me share in the spotlight.

大多数演员都郁郁不得志,从未真正站到舞台中央。Most actors toil in obscurity, never stepping into the spotlight.

该文章是卫生领域的纳米技术专题聚焦的一部分。This article is part of a spotlight on Nanotechnology for health.