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多种燃料内燃机。Multi-fuel internal combustion engine.

燃烧学会会议录。Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.

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燃烧物在引擎内燃尽。Combustion products are exhausted in the engine.

见“燃烧头调节”一章。See chapter "regulation of the combustion head".

他们的怒火逐渐上升到采取革命行动的地步。Their combustion climbed to the revolution point.

氮气会经过燃烧室。that nitrogen goes through the combustion chamber.

他们厂是生产内燃发动机的。Their factory produces internal combustion engines.

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能较理想的清洗内燃机各部位的积灰。Ideal cleaning internal combustion engine parts of ash.

液化气在空气中燃烧的化学式?Liquefied gas formula being hit by a combustion in air?

该产品为不可燃物不支持燃烧。Product is nonflammable and does not support combustion.

这电导率是由于燃烧的产品。This conductivity is a result of combustion by products.

内燃机引擎有各种不同的类型。There are different kinds of internal combustion engines.

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烧成炭以不完全燃烧的方式把…To reduce to carbon or charcoal by incomplete combustion.

超新星内核燃烧的三种清晰呈像。Three visualisations of nuclear combustion in a supernova.

氧气浓度高会急剧加速燃烧。High oxygen concentrations vigorously accelerate combustion.

长长的,细细的,烟在清滢动人的纤指之间燃烧。Long, thin, smoke in the Qing 'moving between the combustion.

EBU模型不包含燃烧振荡机理。The standard EBU model can not drive combustion to oscillate.

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高辛烷值汽油是一类不容易自燃的燃料。Higher-octane gasolines prevent this sort of early combustion.

但它必须同时也要把世界从内燃机手下解救出来。And it must save the world from the internal combustion engine.

凹腔是高湍流度超声速燃烧的火焰稳定装置。Cavity is flame holder in high turbulent supersonic combustion.