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一些让人嫉妒的幸运儿在上海的这里或那里遇见了你。A few enviably lucky people met you here and there in Shanghai.

从10岁开始模特生涯起,阿曼达·塞弗里德就一直拥有一头令人羡慕嫉妒恨的金发。Since she started modeling at age 10, Amanda Seyfried has maintained an enviably long blond mane.

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在数十年里,中国会一直是一个相当贫穷,又富裕得让人眼红的国家。For many decades to come, China will remain both a spectacularly poor country and enviably rich country.

中国作为一个发展中国家尽管有你们自己的明显挑战,但你们处在一个令人羡慕的强势地位。China, despite your own manifest challenges as a developing country, you are in an enviably strong position.

就是这些主要因素令我们的客户数量不仅令人羡慕地保持稳定,还不断在上升。These are actually the main reasons why the number of our customers is not just enviably stable, but keeps growing.

这样的婚姻生活被很多人看起来是轻松愉快的遭人嫉妒,但平静的生活往往更容易被毫无准备变化而打破。Our marriage life seemed to be enviably happy. But the calm life was more likely to be affected by unpredictable changes.

德国的两大政党—全名党—已经长久以来作为另人羡慕的稳定政治系统的支柱。GERMANY'S two big parties— the Volksparteien or “people's parties”—have long been the pillars of an enviably stable political system.

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德国的两大人民党派联合——社会民主党和联盟党——长期以来一直是其令人称羡的政治制度的中流砥柱。GERMANY’S two big parties— the Volksparteien or “people’s parties”—have long been the pillars of an enviably stable political system.

这位23岁的新妈咪在和儿子Kai在巴巴多斯岛度假时,身着黑色比基尼,大秀自己健康的肤色和平坦的小腹。The 23-year-old WAG showed off her toned figure and enviably flat stomach in a black bikini while on holiday with son Kai in Barbados.

由于改善了经济治理方法,加上商品价格暴涨,不少新兴市场国家取得了令人羡慕的财政收入。Thanks to better economic management and the boom in commodity prices, several emerging economies have enviably strong public finances.

时间推进20年,现年58岁,身为斯坦福大学弗里曼·斯波格利资深研究员的福山并未显老,实在令人羡煞。Fast-forward more than two decades and Fukuyama, now 58 and the Freeman Spogli senior fellow at Stanford University, has aged enviably little.

但是,在约8岁时,孩子通常变得令人企羡地乐观,令人高兴地自信,并且信任自己和他人。Around the age of 8, however, children typically become enviably optimistic and delightfully confident and trusting of both themselves and others.

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其他国家往往对英国的遵纪守法颇为羡慕,认为英国至少强于它的一些更易冲动的大陆邻邦。Other nations tend to regard Britain as enviably orderly and law-abiding, at least compared with many of its more excitable continental neighbours.

实质上,是希望欧元区的其他国家也变得象德国一样,拥有令人羡慕的低债务和赤字,以及世界知名的经济活力。Indeed, it is an agenda to make the rest of the euro zone resemble Germany, with its enviably low debt and deficit record and its world-renowned economic dynamism.