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挖掘过程就像是在揭我们国家的伤口。The diggings were like opening the wound of our nation.

我在金矿采掘区或偏僻的森林地带,要比在这儿好得多。I shall be better in the diggings or the backwoods than ever I could be here.

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并应用此对淮南矿区几个突出矿井进行了工程验证。And applied it to a few outburst mines engineering verification of Huainan diggings.

金坑金矿区是闽北地区有代表性的矿床类型之一。The Jinkeng Gold Diggings is one of representative deposit types in Northern Fujian.

坑道已经挖得很远,只要再挖几锹就可以到外面去了。And the diggings have gone so far that a few strokes of the pick would bring you out to it.

在矿区的过程中也发现了一些属于不明点子葡萄品种。In the course of the diggings were also found some grape pips belonging to unidentifiable varieties.

最后给出了阜新某矿区一个矿山区域的地形仿真模型建立的实际例子。In the end, giving a practical terrain simulation modeling example of a mine region in Fuxin diggings.

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使矿产资源开发和矿区发展走可持续发展的健康之路。It can make mine resource exploiture and diggings development make for persistence development healthiness road.

本文对锚杆支护理论进行了系统分析,并对阜新矿区煤巷围岩的参数进行了实验测定。The paper carefully analyzes bolt supporting system, and measures the parameters of coal wall rock in Fuxin diggings.

采煤矿区景观生态设计是目前国内外关注的热点之一。Landscape ecological architecture in excavated coal diggings is one of attention-getting hotspots international society.

矿产资源开采存在着严重的负外部性,很大程度地影响到矿产资源及矿区的可持续利用和发展。Coal mining exists badly negative exteriority, it has restricted seriously the sustainable development of coal and diggings.

煤矸石是我国最大的工业固体废弃物,煤矸石自燃是矿区主要的环境问题之一。Coal-waste rocks as an industrial solid waste, is a primary environment problem in diggings due to its spontaneous combustion.

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德比尔斯公司肇始于南非,但它的触角几乎遍布全世界的钻石矿区。De Beers originated from South Africa, but it has expanded its sphere of influence to almost all the diamond diggings on earth.

流程经用于含明金的不同类型的金矿区,制得了具有均匀性、代表性的样品。By using of this flow path, the homogeneous and representative samples were prepared in different type diggings of visible gold.

依据综合价值的变化特徵定义了可持续发展型矿区、萎缩型矿区以及滞长型矿区。The definitions of developing, shrinking and stagnated diggings were proposed according to the change of the comprehensive value.

由于语言障碍,华工不理解新的法律,在阿拉瑞特矿区,几乎没有华工购买居住票。Due to language difficulties, the Chinese didn't understand the new law and very few on the Ararat diggings purchased a residence ticket.

介绍了集散控制系统在矿区焦化厂生产过程中的应用。This paper introduces the application of centralized and decentralized control system in the production process of diggings coking plant.

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他几乎不亲自动手,而且相对于参与挖掘工作而言,他更倾向于研究发掘出来的神器。Rarely having a hands on approach, he would prefer to study the artifacts the excavations uncovered rather than participate in the diggings.

根据本矿区安全生产现状,实施了安全风险抵押金制度,取得了初步成效。According to the safety production status in quo, the system of the safety risk cash is carried at this diggings , and the primary effect is acquired.

矿产资源开发带来社会的繁荣与进步,同时也给环境带来破坏,特别是矿区土壤受到的影响最大。Mine resource exploring gave the prosperity and progress and made the environment destroyed, especially made great harm on the soil in the diggings area.