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我们英国人不喜欢用抒情体。We English do not run to lyricism.

性爱是大众的抒情诗。Sexuality is the lyricism of the masses.

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他能否夺回他的抒情性和饥饿面前?Can he recapture that lyricism and hunger he had before?

其次,舞蹈与音乐的共同点是抒情性。Next, the dance and the music common ground is a lyricism.

李魁贤认为抒情性是诗歌的本质要素之一。Li Kuixian hold that lyricism is the essential element of poetry.

技巧的娴熟运用和诗意的抒情都需要培养。both technical command and poetic lyricism need to be cultivated.

这个春天难以描绘,我们的英语还不足以能够抒情性的表达。It is not easy to describe this spring. We English do not run to lyricism.

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第三章分析戏剧化与“非个人化抒情”的关系。The third chapter analyses the relation between dramatization and impersonal lyricism.

感伤主义小说具有情节淡化、抒情性强、注意心理刻画和自然景物描写的特点。The weakening of plots and the strengthening of lyricism are features of sentimental novels.

这本著作的每一页都显示出他的独创性,传达出与那些丑恶的场面和和抒情的叙述旗鼓相当的强烈的独特风格。Any page of his work reveals his originality, a passionate voice given equally to ugliness and lyricism.

螺旋意象的积极运用是叶芝诗歌抒情性的个性特征。Thirdly, the active application of the image "gyre" to his poetry is the personal feature of his lyricism.

现在,很多反映种族主义的作品都遮遮掩掩地通过讽刺来表达,或是是抒情意味过浓,给人无病呻吟的感觉,像气体一样无力。Much literary writing today about racism is cloaked in irony or in so much lyricism that it becomes gaseous.

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只有实证和抒情之间的平衡才能使我们同时获得情感和清醒。Solely the balance between evidence and lyricism can allow us to achieve simultaneously emotion and lucidity.

这样,口语叙事和书面抒情,就成为浅婉和深婉构造语境的分野。So spoken narration and written lyricism are to form the line of demarcation of context of the euphemism structure.

前言部分简要介绍元杂剧是一种叙事性与抒情性兼具的文学艺术。The preface briefly introduces that the Yuan poetic drama is a literature and art composed of the narration and the lyricism.

回环往复的主题句和叠句的大量使用是叶芝诗歌抒情性的技术手段。Secondly, a large number of recurrent thematic sentences and refrains used in his poetry is the technical means of his lyricism.

多年以来,人们一直关注舒曼声乐套曲的抒情性特点,但对其戏剧性特点却缺乏系统的阐释与研究。For many years, however, people pay special attention to the lyricism of his song cycles, and put the theatricality aspect aside.

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他的交响乐作品继承了古典音乐的优秀传统,而他创作出的歌曲成为了浪漫抒情主义的典范。His symphonic works represent the best legacy of the classical tradition, while his songs exemplify the height of romantic lyricism.

随着禅宗在唐宋时期兴起,穷物之理又开始使形依理而幻化为抒情服务。When Zen arose in the Tang and Song dynasty, the aim of observing law was to change the shape to serve the lyricism according to law.

线的首要功能在他的理论体系中具有崭新的意义,既可作为一个影像,也是一种姿态,渗出丰富的表现力和诗意。The primary function of line is renewed in Lee's theoretical sphere as both an image and a gesture exuding expressive energy and lyricism.